10 Gold Fish It would be a great choice if you are thinking to get a pet Goldfish These bright and shiny creatures are one of the most available inexpensive and popular pet fishes For a single common Goldfish experts recommend a minimum tank size of 40 50 gallons as they can grow fast But for fancy Goldfish you can easily use a 20 plus gallon tank You can provide aquatic plants fish eggs insect larvae crustaceans and even other smaller fish for their meal They can go for up to 2 weeks without any food 09 Bloodfin Tetras Bloodfin Tetras is an excellent hardy aquarium fish It has a silver colored body and red fins In size it can grow up to 2 inches in length and can live up to 10 years or more with proper care
They need to keep in small schools with aquarium size of 20 gallon minimum It favors eating small insects and crustaceans It also likes brine shrimp bloodworms brine shrimp and silkworms So you should vary this item according to their needs 08 White Cloud White Cloud is a hardy species of freshwater fish This species originates from the gorges of the White Cloud Mountains of China Therefore it is known also as the White Cloud Mountain Minnow It grows to approximately 1 5 inches in length Basically this species is silver green in color with a bright red caudal and dorsal fin You can feed them a diet of flake foods with plenty of vegetable matter as well as freeze dried bloodworms and tubifex For a diet it loves to eat a variety of seagrasses and insect larvae 07 Danios Danios are one of the attractive hardy freshwater aquarium fish available for beginners They are small active schooling fish well suited for the community aquarium They are also more tolerant of a wide range of water conditions On their body they have a pattern of horizontal stripes rows of spots or vertical bars They usually prefer fish flakes They are generally very active and fun to watch 06 Black Molly Black Molly is a peaceful fish and good choice for beginners You can use them in a community tank with several types of fish These species prefer a tank of at least 30 gallons with plenty of strong plants They also require a good filtration system because of their hearty appetites and resulting waste products Male Molly can grow to a maximum of 3 inches and female Molly can grow up to 5 inches in length Unlike other fish vegetables are essential to a mollies health Therefore they need vegetables in their diet Mosquito larvae bloodworms brine shrimp are also favorite diet for them 05 Black Skirt Tetra The Black Skirt Tetra comes from the regions of South America It is a very peaceful schooling fish that can be a good choice for your community aquarium This species grows up to 2 inches in length
They have varieties in their color and fin For an aquarium use this species need 20 gallons of aquarium size and need to keep in groups of 5 or more Generally this peaceful little tetra has a lifespan of 3 5 years This Black Tetra prefers to eat most common aquarium foods like flakes frozen freeze dried aquarium plants etc 04 Kuhli Loach This eel shaped fish originates from the tropical region of Southeast Asia It is peaceful and one of the best freshwater fish You can find them in a body color of salmon pink yellow with dark brown to black stripes A single Kuhli Loach can grow 3 4 5 inches in length They prefer to be kept in an aquarium of 20 gallon size and schools of 3 or more As for diet they prefer scavenger sinking food pellets preferred live foods etc Naturally they get active at dusk feeds at night hide during the day 03 Platies Platies are good tropical freshwater fish for the beginner
They are peaceful in nature and can grow 2 inches in length Generally females are larger than male in size Platies originates mainly from Central America For their schooling they need an aquarium size of 10 gallons or more They love flakes live and freeze dried foods in their diet These species have a very short lifespan of 2 3 years But all in all they make an excellent fish for a community tank 02 Swordtails This extremely hardy fish comes in many different colors It can grow up to 5 inches in length They have tough nature and can adapt themselves to a wide range of water conditions Even they can take care of themselves when there are bigger fish in the tank With 10 gallons and larger aquarium size they can easily manage to stay Swordtail will take flake freeze dried and live foods for their diet But they also need some greens in their diet Usually they can get the lifespan of 3 5 years 01 Betta These fishes are known for their jewel bright colors and splendid fins and or their wide variety of morphs On average they are 1 or 2 inches long in length without their tail You need a minimum 4 gallons of aquarium size for their schooling For their healthy aquatic life stable water quality and parameters are crucial Betta can live a life of 2 to 3 years with proper care For their complete nutrition you have to give them flakes pellets freeze dried bloodworms and frozen foods
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