32040 Advantages of Public Education 41 Public education is a forgotten path these days as many families are indulging other education options such as homeschooling and private schools However public schools still serve a significant role in preparing the next generation of world leaders 42 The cost of a public education is affordable During the tabling of Budget 2012 the Prime Minister declared that school fees for primary and secondary education in Malaysia will be removed Besides Malaysian students from public school can actually get textbooks for free every year This strategy is another channel of aid from the Government which has been developed beginning in 2008 to include all Malaysian residents Public schools provide access to an education for every child in a community This ensures that every student has the same educational opportunities as other regardless of their current personal or financial situation 43 Moreover those who attend public schools are more likely to be in classrooms with other children that do not think act or look exactly like them In a government school your child will blend in and learn the culture of fellow friends Chinese Indians and Malays The diversity of the student can be an important learning experience for itself 44 Public schools especially in Malaysia are conveniently located for most people
There are 7 743 primary schools and 2 340 secondary schools in Malaysia Obviously this does not burden parents to drive their kids on a long distance to school 45 In Malaysia public school students have to follow certain rules such as wearing the only uniform to school which in a way avoid students from wearing inappropriate clothes to school Booklets sometimes are sent to parents informing them about what is acceptable and what is not 46 Advantages of Religious Education 47 Religious schools may intercept students from interacting with students from other religions and give a wrong perspective of the society that we are in but in a way it helps shape children's morals and enhance their academic achievement Students with high levels of religious dedication do better than students with low levels of religious dedication and they also have less capability to cheat on a test compared to children from public schools Kids with religious parents are better behaved and adjusted than other children according to a new study that is the first to look at the effects of religion on young child development Wenner 2007 48 For people taking religious education having a polished conscience is way more important than having a good life and they tend to do admirable deeds that will make them end up in heaven as against to hell Religious children will be impacted by their environment to be a good and kind citizen
Both of the religious education institutions and public education institutions have their respective pros and cons For a student to choose to be in a religious school or a public school is just depending on what their parents stress on The method of teaching in religious schools and public schools may differ from how important the school emphasizes on religion However the main purposes of both of these education systems are normally the same which is to provide a standard method of educating to their students and to teach them to be a better person 52 Disadvantages of Public Education 53 Students in religious schools with higher levels of religious education will do better than those students in public schools For an instance those students studying in religious schools will have more resistance to cheat in an examination compared to the students from public schools This is because a deep religious belief has already deep rooted in their mind and they will control themselves to do anything against their religions Furthermore religious students will be easily influenced by their environment to be a kind and caring citizen which they will more sympathy about the underprivileged and be more humble to the elders
By using religious teachings the students will be more exposed to the learnings to care about others when doing anything Unlike students in public schools they tend be more selfish and work for their own benefits only 54 Disadvantages of Religious Education 55 In contrast some think that studying in religious schools will prevent students from interacting and communicating properly with students from other religions Because of the students in religious schools are less exposed to other religious beliefs and the people surrounding them are just same religion holders with them So they will have no idea what are other religions cultural backgrounds and how to respect and deal with them Furthermore the duration used for prayers or religious studies in religious schools is way too much because the students can actually focus on studying other realistic courses in school Religion is mostly based on theory which cannot be proved by the science and this will make the students to be apart from the sense of reality and the truth of science This will only defect the objective of education So religious education seems to have more disadvantages in this extent