This also allows developers to spot any future conceptual mistakes before starting the project as they align it with the framework Finally the tools that come from following frameworks allows developers to work more cohesively as a team leading to less latency and better communication when working on a project By following the map that methodologies often lay developers can grow and learn ways to organize and create more reusable and efficient code 3 Why do we need software engineers in the software industry Can we develop products with programmers only Parnas paper Software Engineers are needed in the software industry to ensure that software products are designed and manufactured to be reliable Here we need a specialized Software Engineer who will design build and test efficient and effective software products Over the past couple of decades software has become a major component of nearly any product and industry In addition software is often used by other engineers to design products which leads to the idea that the correctness of the product is determined by the correctness of the software It s for this reason why accreditation is necessary for future Software Engineers Just by being a programmer alone is not enough to design and build reliable products for future consumers While many believe that being a good programmer is enough to build products as a Software Engineer this is not the case as many must also be equipped with the foundational concepts needed for reliable design
To put it simply knowing how to write beautiful lines of code is not enough when it comes to designing products Only by incorporating the engineering concepts needed for designing products and the computer science to write code can we be able to create successful products in the software industry 4 What are the fundamental differences of Waterfall and iterative methodologies The Waterfall method is a software development process that emphasizes a logical progression of steps when going through a software development lifecycle It s referred to be a waterfall due to it flowing down in one direction While the method itself has lost popularity for agile methods the nature of the sequential process cannot be discarded and it remains a common practice in Software Development Here the process goes through a straightforward sequential process when following the steps of Requirements Design Implementation Verification and Maintenance This has the advantage of being quite useful when dealing with larger projects and having to deal with constantly shifting design teams The method also allows for much more structured organization when working on the project However the Waterfall method has inefficiencies in its nonadaptive constraints Having one simple mistake in later stages could lead to a giant step back in the design process losing resources and time in the process On the other hand iterative methodologies focus on remedying the faults that the Waterfall method has The basis of the method is to have a framework that goes through repeated cycles in increments of time allowing developers to take advantage of what they learned in earlier versions of the system After the planning phase a handful of stages are repeated with each completion of the cycle leading to incremental improvements This allows developers to marginally optimize their code through every iteration The benefits here is that this is a much more agile method in comparison to the Waterfall method and as a result of repeating cycles the method is much more adaptable Thus the Waterfall method is a more streamlined and linear process for Software development while an iterative method is a more agile and more adaptable way to design software