Essay Example on A transition from imaginary order inholding Lacan's mirror phase to a symbolic order









Critical Reading Starting with the epigraph of Aynalar bakma aynalar fenalık denizi sonsuz olanı düşün artık p 5 from Ahmet Muhip Dıranas narration of Fehmi K ve Acayip Serüvenleri reminds a transition from imaginary order inholding Lacan's mirror phase to a symbolic order Arıkan 2015 p 386 Lacan synthesizes the linguistic theory of Ferdinand de Saussure describing Freud's unconscious concept as a system of indigenous representations based on the symbolic order on which the language and discourse are founded in the unconscious Saussure uses the linguistic theory of signs to describe the overlapping of the unconscious with the language system and says It is structured as an unconscious language Lacan 1977 p 20 According to Lacan as it is in the language unconscious interpretation works through the indicative and indicated and this process starts from the moment that baby enters the language All of the beings who step into the language and then become the subject of the laws of its symbol Unconscious established by the influence of the word on the subject this is the dimension at which the subject is determined in the development of verbal influences as a result unconscious is constructed like a language Lacan 1977 p 149 

Lacan says and emphasizes that this subject is born out of the language of the subject and is in fact a subject of unconsciousness that is structured like language The fact that the author exists within the symbol of the subject begins with its entry into the language the symbol In this context Yavuz s Üç Anlatı also offers a freedom of speech based on the word and this freedom is determined by the unconscious limitlessness of the narrator the reader and the text Hilmi Yavuz the narrator writer of Fehmi K sends this limitlessness with the following words Belki bilinç dışına itilmiş strüktürel bir bağıntı vardır ama kendi bilinç dışımı semptomal olarak yapabilmiş değilim henüz Şimdilik sadece büyükbabamın ve babamın bilinçdışlarıyla using İzzeddin Şadan Bey for both uğraşıyorum p 128 In Fehmi K neither Hilmi Yavuz nor the narrator writer Fehmi K set up a defined indicative indicated relationship the narrative presents an infinite likelihood that varies according to the recipient Belki siz bütün bu saçmalıklardan kimin anlatan kimin de anlatılan olduğunu çıkarabilmek ferasetini gösterebilirsiniz Okuyan yazandan ârif gerek p 139 Well is there any sense in this slippery floor if so how does it get caught Lacan reveals the problem of how a certain meaning is caught on this very slippery floor with the so called stabilizer points point de capiton According to Lacan s theory in the meaning process the indicated is constantly shifted but with the so called copitone points the meaning is obtained at certain points and moments of meaning are captured yet the meaning is condemned to go between these points Hilmi Yavuz s rescue of image from being a concept also obliges the receiver to go between these scopitone points 

His second narrative which seems to be the closest to the traditional novel narrative is the shuttle between literary meanings in Fehmi K Already the narrator writes that the purpose of writing the text is to apply paradoxical semantic practice in narrator narrative receiver triangle Arıkan 2015 p 391 Postmodern features in the work are the first noteworthy loss in reality perception The text is held to the reality with various clues about the life of Hilmi Yavuz while it gets away from reality with Fehmi K Selim Taşil and Anette the unreal heroes When Fehmi K s these fact dream delusions added to the fiction serious reality problems occur in the narrative Koçakoğlu 2012 p 105 To a large extent this narrative could be read in reader response criticism perspective which focuses on finding the meaning in the act of reading itself and investigate how individual readers experience the texts

These critics determine what kind of reader or what community of readers the work implies and helps to create They may also examine the importance of commentaries that the reader has in the reading process Delahoyde 2018 In postmodern texts especially in Fehmi K nın Acayip Serüvenleri the process of writing the text is one of the main themes of the text Thus the fictional structure of the text becomes the subject of the text From the first line to the last line the narration is the narrative itself The phrase parody of narration that Hilmi Yavuz said for this narrative is the best explanation of this text The narration is in fact deprived of a story to be told This ambiguity is often emphasized in the text and the reader is warned Especially it is emphasized that the aim is to narrate the narration of the narrative As he does so reader response criticism focus on what texts do in the minds of the readers In fact a text can exist only as activated by the mind of the reader

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