Essay Example on An Inspector Calls is a play that is associated with the Soviet Union









An Inspector Calls is a play that is associated with the Soviet Union that underlines lots of political economic and social messages J B Priestley believed in socialism prompting social issues he did this by persuading individuals to his state of mind in most of his plays The Inspectors name is Goole which sounds like ghoul meaning someone who has a morbid interest in death or a spirit His appearance in the play is a result of the girl s death Goole is also a seaport town and perhaps suggests that he is going to fish for information Both explanations could be a reason Priestly chose the name Inspector Goole to give the reader a hint on the character itself At the start of the inspector s speech he is shown as dominating and commanding by his tone and words used at once an impression of massiveness solidity and purposefulness J B Priestley uses many dramatic techniques to create a sense of tension One way is by how the inspector continues his speeches picking out every detail and interrogating the family Throughout the interrogation the inspector remains confident and standing tall while the Birling family starts to fall to the ground while the truth starts to appear and feels guilty The suspense and interest come from the Inspectors pauses in his speeches timings of his exits and entrances Despite many interruptions by the Birling family the inspector manages to remain on his objective this is shown by his solidity 

The speech starts of at slow pace and rhythm then starts to intensify We don t live alone We are responsible for each other This view is shown by Priestley s way of thinking that he believed in it very deeply that the was one of the main themes of many of his writings In the inspector s final speech without knowing it he guides the play along by guiding the characters to the right direction to let him achieve his objectives He told to be purposeful to show the Birlings way of thinking Every man must only look out for himself His speech is structured and the use of language is audible to make it distinct for the Birling family to listen and understand carefully The play was set in 1912 so it reflects the views and feelings expressed by Priestley as it explores many issues at the time Priestley had very socialist views on the world and many other issues he wanted to diminish such as class age and gender So the specific character in the play namely Arthur Birling was the complete opposite to all of Priestley s views For example the Inspector pinpoints the ways and actions of the Birlings actions have interpreted an innocent girl of a completely different class and background As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money said by Mrs Birling about the girl Eva Smith This represents the attitudes and harm caused by someone higher up the hierarchy as an excuse of not helping her 

Furthermore the Inspector shows the real side of having riches and power at that time that they can be harmful and destructive without even realising it By now we start to realise the amount of control and leverage the Inspector has over the Birling family in their own environment while the Birlings are presented in an unsympathetic way A key role of the inspector is delivered by Priestley to show a way of demeaning Capitalists After the Inspector examines the Birlings and shows them who they really are by his use of awkward questions and strong statements to watch them struggle The inspector keeps the flow of the conversations and overall story moving by manipulating the characters into what he wants them to say by revealing different sources one at a time to keep them all on their toes None of the secrets and actions wouldn t be exposed if it wasn t for the Inspector shaping the questions to get the perfect and planned responses 

Which then eventually connected the responses all together which accumulated to the reason why Eva Smith committed suicide However the Inspector played it all very intelligently by never explicitly accusing anyone of any involvement instead by the way the Inspector engages and interacts with the characters they end up filling in the missing gaps themselves When the Inspector is questioning Eric Birling about who killed Eva Smith He begins by hinting at the fact that Eric killed Eva because of the fact that she was carrying his baby so Eric assumes that it was his fault But shortly after it is hinted that it is in fact Mrs Birling who influenced the death of Eva Smith This particular situation is related to the Dunne s Theory Mrs Birling looked back in the past and closely at her actions to realise that it could and did affect someone s future and is held responsible for indoctrinating the life of a young girl The inspector manages to not only shape and outline the characters wrongs which they have done but he also connects it all together by their responses because of his solidity Fitting the parts together of the story leads the Inspector to being more solid by making the truth inescapable and inevitable The series of events accumulates to the end of Eva Smith s life where she commits suicide as she feels there is no hope left for her by swallowing a strong disinfectant

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