343Apple is an American company that produces operating systems computers and multimedia devices It is based in Cupertino in the State of California With its product the iPhone 5s smartphone the company holds the record of the best selling smartphone in the world Previously from April 1 1976 to January 3 1977 it was known as Apple Computer Company and from January 3 1977 to 2007 as Apple Computer Inc The company was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in Cupertino Silicon Valley California The current CEO is In August 2011 Apple becomes one of the largest companies in the world by stock capital and most valuable in the world ahead of the eternal rival Microsoft On 12 August 2012 Apple became the privately held company with the largest market capitalization of all time beating the previous record of Microsoft s rival that was dated back to 1999 In 2012 profits grew by 94 On November 25 2014 Apple broke the 700 billion market cap beating its previous record from 2012 no American company had exceeded this threshold Apple wants to enrich and delight the world through their innovative products They are a company that promise and give possibilities they promote an environment where they can push beyond boundaries and across borders to create devices and brands that helps everyone in every occasion
Apple Inc Create their products with uniqueness and they are also knowing to set trends in the industry as they are always working differently to their competitors And they have always had a different view as a business especially with Steve Jobs being the former CEO who wanted to create unique products that will create loyal customers who will want the new product as soon as its released as they will be looking forward for to the new features and changes to the product Apple has many objective like grow in a central business and they can do that by innovating their products they also want to have a global expansion putting in the market new content An example could be that they first started with their computers to then go to the ipods iphones ipad and lastly the apple watch To achieve this the marketing team has to advertise the products all over the world so that the people buy these Micro and Macro environment Before explaining the micro and macro economy for apple it would be better to explain what these two concepts are Macroeconomics is the part of economics that takes into consideration problems such as income consumption savings investment employment related to an entire continent a country or a geographical region
The term also has a second meaning it indicates a theory according to which the global expenditure of a country is determined above all by the flow of investments as opposed to monetarism which gives primacy to the quantity of circulating money Microeconomics on the other hand is the study of price trends in individual markets or the analysis of the economic behavior of individuals families and companies In this case he studies how resources are used and spent Market research Market research for the business plan is one of the essential and most important elements needed to support the validity of your business plan since they are like the foundations of a building they represent the basis on which the entrepreneur decides whether to invest in a certain business or no It is advisable to do market research for the business plan whenever you want to launch a new product or service on the market or whenever you want to start a new business But not only research reveals all their usefulness even in the case where there are no new ideas or new companies but you want to enter in a profitable market and within which there are already competitors This happens due to the simple fact that an entrepreneur often wants to present an existing product to the market but to whom he has made some minor changes It is full of markets that have products that are substantially the same yet different Market research gives the answer to some questions which are fundamental for building and developing every business activity
Below are some questions that may prove useful before entering a market How is the sector presented What is the target market to reach What to produce or sell Is there a market that wants the product service that you intend to produce or sell Who are the customers of this market Whom to sell How to satisfy customers Does the business idea respond to the needs and desires of the market What is the evolution of the reference market in the medium to long term Is there a competition Who are the competitors What are they doing Commonly a market research is defined as quantitative or qualitative It is defined quantitative when it is constructed in such a way as to give statistical representativeness of an entire population market or segment on the basis of a sample It is qualitative when the analysis is carried out in a dh way usually through a free discussion which crosses a discussion trail or with a series of open questions with a wide faculty left to the interviewer to deepen the answers given Market segmentation Market segmentation is the process of dividing customer needs into different homogeneous groups or segments Recognizing the differences between customers is crucial for successful marketing because it leads to satisfying a market segment with targeted products Working in market segments concentrates targeted resources for competitive advantage and profitability Explaining consumer behavior is the main purpose of this process