285So the correct information about the customer is hard and difficult so that has led for an increase in the availability of privacy enhancing tools As the use of internet has broaden its boundary the consumer wants to adopt privacy protection Consumer are highly concerned with their personal privacy and they are less likely to disclose their information and are less inclined to participate in e commerce and even they are less likely to surf internet Internet privacy has come as a spotlight in the news after nude photos of dozens of celebrities were swiped or revealed from their apple iclouds accounts There are major two factors that have a great impact on online privacy and they are 1 the consumers had a vulnerability on unauthorized storing and misuse of data 2 the perceived way of adopting in which personal information is collected and used Dinev and Hart 2004 As the use of e commerce is gradually expanding the use has grown worldwide and the companies are storing the personal information from the consumers on the internet So the information provided by the consumer is now commodity and that is sold bought and even it is traded A different types of consumer feedback is gather in terms of privacy particularly online privacy Singh and Pandya 1991 out of which there are three behavior which are power enhancing right to consumers and the research on the consequences of privacy and security concern about the marketings Sheehan and Hoy 1999 and the major focus on online marketing
Lwin et al 2007 Fabricate is the word which refers to consumer benefit so as to protect their own identity by giving false information from potential intruders or hackers In contrast protection and fabricate has seen as a unique in online environment and it has been seen in different number of internal studies Fox etal 2000 Georgia Tech Research Corporation 1998 The first power enhancing behavior for protection of consumer through online is privacy that we already have discussed as fabricate So marketers are mainly focused on the accurate data of customer sop that overall provide the success for online marketing Thomas and Maurer 1997 But it has shown that 50 percentage of people use false information most of the time Culnan and Milne 2001 so that has lead to decline of accurate personal information at a time over the internet Lwin and Williams 2003 We have seen that personal information like age education name etc these are the most seen word when we access the internet to use some particular site So we have to undergo with some of those personal data so as to get access But consumer are seen as using secondary mailing addresses to cover up their original information from the mail id which alternatively provide incomplete information About 91 percentage of people have felt that business and government are not doing anything so as to tackle with privacy issues Nowak and Phelps 1992 But it in the hand of consumer who are adopting certain privacy policies and posting on the websites The connected link between perceived organizational polices and consumer privacy is under ongoing research with lack of proper studies Caudill and Murphy 2000