Essay Example on As professionals we must endeavor to uphold the Standards









As professionals we must endeavor to uphold the standards imposed upon members of our field As computer scientists those standards include but are not limited to the IEEE citations style and regulations of IEEE reviewers After employing the appropriate IEEE standards and other hallmarks of professional writing it may seem to many of writers that the professional aspect of our data is the chief concern of technical writings There are however other considerations that enable that data to be received as intended In our field it appears enticing at first to focus strictly on our data When this preference bleeds into our study or description of our trade however a problem arises The easiest way to drive this point home is to emphasize the similarity between writing and computer science Writing and computer science both rely not only on meaningful content but rules for syntax and diction that influence the presentation of that content Overall your success will rely heavily on not only how well you follow the standards but how intelligibly that data is conveyed to your audience If you are writing in the technical field of computer science then chances are you have some end goal in mind for the dissemination of your data You may be trying to raise awareness of some issue or inspire others to action 

The intent behind your writing will serve to direct the most effective method of sharing your content You may be writing a simple interoffice memo detailing a procedure a journal article exploring some data or experiment you find significant or an article for a conference or other large gathering of professionals It is important to touch on one aspect of IEEE professional writing that may be unknown to the fledgling professional writer rejection of papers IEEE reviewers may reject a paper for any of these criteria poor quality of the report or research poor writing scientific flaws in results or interpretation of results lack of significance similarity to previously published work Significant research should be conducted before publishing any work to ensure that your work is not overlapping existing work without citation It is also prudent to understand the audience your work will be targeting to better tailor the language in your writing to be respectful of their level of expertise Finally no attention should be spared in analyzing the overall quality of you writing both content and presentation as falling short in either area could significantly detract from your goals Another primary concern when writing for the profession is the standard of ethics for each particular field As there are many actions that constitute an ethical violation it is necessary that thorough due diligence is performed Plagiarism is perhaps the most professionally damaging violation e g appropriating another professional s material or style as your own Misrepresenting data or results is another major violation your data must be authentic and your representation of that data must not be misleading Failure to disclose any prior work on similar or identical topics is usually considered an ethical violation as most professional organizations govern how many submissions on a topic you are allowed It is difficult to refute this violation as no one has more knowledge of your prior research than you do 

These violations as a whole are readily available and simple to avoid if the appropriate research is done The IEEE citation style has three primary governed structures the name first then last of the author The title of the material i e the paper patent journal etc the title of the journal or book italicized The benefit of this governance is to permit the reader to identify different sources of references easily The arrangement of grammatical constructs and supplementary information like dates and pages is dependent on the source of reference being cited so it is customary to differentiate between the governance on printed and digital classifications of source material If citing digital sources arrange work cited page annotation like so 1 Author Initial Author Surname Title Year Published Online Available http Website URL Accessed 10 Oct 2013 If citing printed sources arrange like so 1 Author Initial Author Surname Title City Publisher Year Published p Pages Used While structuring your presentation strictly may feel limiting it does not have to impede the reception of your message if a few are addressed Try not to lose your audience with your choice of language If your writing is targeting laymen do not constipate the material with technical jargon or relentless blocks of new terminology If your target audience are professionals at or above your level of expertise do not oversimplify your content Aggressive simplification while beneficial when addressing novice readers would do little more for an expert audience than illustrate you and your data as elementary If you strive diligently to create writing that is professionally acceptable while also communicating valuable data your goals should always be within reach Know your audience address them with the language that is befitting of their expertise levels Fulfill the burden of researching similar topics to cite sources and appropriate contributory parties Use the proper IEEE citing techniques for your particular type of publication Endeavor to tailor your language to be as intelligible as possible without sacrificing technical excellence Assimilate these standards into your writing and allow them to distinguish you as a budding professional willing and eager to display the effort becoming of the attention and respect of your peers

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