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Looking Back into Book Adaptation History

The first novel adaptation into film in Malaysia is in the year 1958 is Novel Cinta Gadis Rimba or Virgin of Borneo by Harun Aminurrashid and produced by Cathay Keris However only in a few years back television series and film have been using book adaptation Most of the film or drama series that was adapted is having high rating taking examples of Ombak Rindu and Lagenda Budak Setan Eberts 2012 elaborate in his study that even though book adaptation in Malaysia started in 1958 if looking back into book adaptation history it was already started in the year 1930 when British Broadcasting Corporation BBC played a screening of Pirandello's play The Man with a Flower in His Mouth Then followed by Journey's End which is also the first live television drama to be broadcast In 1950 Little Women began as the first drama serial from the book adaptation Hutcheon 2013 mentioned Shakespeare s adaptation into a play mostly was adapted from the literary works into stage which made the works able to reach a wider audience which at that time the play becomes popular viewer who watches the play were mostly are illiterate

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