358Career Objective Aim to associate with an organization that will provide me opportunities to show my skills and improve knowledge with the latest trends and to be part of the team that works dynamically towards growth of the organization Summary 6 years of experience in C C and Qt Development 3 years 1 Months of experience in Automotive Domain 2 years 11 months of working experience in Defense Domain at Burl Software Ltd Working in KPIT Technologies Ltd Since November 2014 Expertise on C QT and Linux Expertise on SVN Mercurial Jenkins Code Collaborator and Allsim tools Expertise in working with Agile Process for development as well as Waterfall model Experienced in performing the following tests Unit testing Functional testing Experience on Software Designs and Architectures Experience on Embedded system design and software design Excellent communication skills Well versed with all stages of Software Development Life Cycle SDLC Quick learner versatile adaptable and process oriented with high customer orientation Skill Set Programming languages C C Scripting Languages Python CSS Operating Systems Windows Linux Development Tools and Utilities Qt Visual Studio Rally Tortoise SVN Mercurial OpenGL Code Collaborator VTune Enterprise Architect CANalyzer Professional Experience 1 Working in KPIT Technologies Ltd Pune as Software Engineer from November2014 to present date Current Project John Deere Green Star Display Nov 2014 Till now Client John Deere US Domain Automotive Infotainment Embedded Systems Team Size 8 Platforms Technology Linux WindRiver 5 8 onTarget HW Ubuntu 14 04on Development box Qt C CAN Google ProtoBuf Google Test Mock framework
Jenkins Rally intel VTune memory profiler Embedded C JDOS CANalyzer TraceClient wrapper for live debug via Ethernet About Project Project is based on John Deere s Product Planter Planter is connected to tractor and with the use of planter seeding to the field is achieved accurately Application will be connected to the tractor and will provide the information of plantation via controller Features Population Singulation Seed Spacing etc Roles and Responsibilities Requirement analysis of each assigned story for every Sprint Developing the UI in QT and business logic of every story using C Signals and Slots mechanism Unit testing of every UI and Logic using gtest Creating Test Procedures and executing them using Allsim tool Completion of review using code collaborator tool Integration of code using Mercurial Has opportunity to lead the team from March 2017 2 Refrigerator Data logger An embedded project on Arduino to communicate android app with refrigerator s controller When an android phone enabled with logger application is connected with the data logger which logs various refrigerator data temperature voltage pressure etc periodically all the logged data in controller will be copied to this android device in CSV format Once all the data is copied user technician will be able to analyze this data to locate the refrigerator defect saving his precious time and effort The Android application can also send this logger data to the authorize service center for analysis Project Refrigerator Data logger Aug 2014 Oct 2014 Client greendust com Domain Embedded Team Size 1 Platforms Technology Android Arduino controller board ATMega328P About Project Project aimed for reskinning web based application Roles and Responsibilities Hardware Design and implementation
Controller coding Android application development 3 IAC MOD C Simulator IAC MOD C is an integrated ASW system for all future surface ships of the Indian Navy IAC MOD C is an integrated combat suite for computation of ASW Fire control solution and firing of all ship borne ASW weapons The system will therefore be state of the art with respect to the technologies deployed in the system Project IAC MOD C Simulator March 2012 Aug 2014 Client BEL Bangalore Domain Defense Team Size 8 Platforms Technology Linux Qt C About Project Project is to Simulate Naval Warfare for Naval training Roles and Responsibilities GUI Design and Coding Manual testing and Gorilla testing Requirement understanding and documentation Participated and Code integration on hardware at BEL Bangalore and got appreciated for smooth and successful integration 4 PDDS Simulator The Portable Diver Detection Sonar PDDS is used by various platforms ships submarines oil rings for detection of Divers The system is operated by a dedicated operator from portable sonar console located ruggised laptop In addition the sonar can be interfaced to the DDU system for providing data that enables display of Sonar and Target information at the DDU Project Portable Diver Detection by Sonar PDDS Jan 2011 March 2012 Client BEL Bangalore Domain Defense Team Size 4 Platforms Technology Linux Windows Qt C About Project Project aimed for developing and supporting firmware of embedded device Roles and Responsibilities
GUI Design and Coding Manual testing and Gorilla testing Requirement understanding and documentation Participated and Code integration on hardware at BEL Bangalore and got appreciated for smooth and successful integration Responsibilities and Achievements Appreciation from Customer for timely delivery of various software components Participate in Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp Certificate Program Organized By VTU Event Organizer in school and college annual day functions and other technical events Got Pat on the Back award from Burl Software in December 2013 for excellent contribution towards embracing impossible challenge in project task Participated in Software integration program at BEL Bangalore and got appreciated for successful integration Handled responsibilities of testing and developmental work on automation kits Met objectives as part of a team and work towards achieving high operational excellence Standards Academic Secured highest Marks in Math s in 2ndSem with 92 8 in College Passed C C test organized by GIL Academic Qualifications Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics Communication Visvesvaraya Technological University july 2011 with Aggregate Percentage 63 Higher Secondary Certificate Examination Bihar State Board March 2006 Aggregate Percentage 58 Personal Profile Date of Birth 27 10 1988 Languages Known Hindi English and Kannada Gender Male Current location Pune Email Declaration I vouch for authentication of the above facts Date Place