Essay Examples on Centenary College of Louisiana

The philosopher looks at Both

The philosopher looks at both and them and says You re both wrong the only thing we as humans know is that there are five cows in Scotland that are brown on one side the side that we saw Astonished the mathematician and engineer are out of words to say to the philosopher This explains philosophy The most essential thing in philosophy is not taking anything for granted and thinking of things in a way that is out of the box taking everything into consideration and most importantly not being ignorant of different possibilities That is what I would call an extremely rational investigation on a subject that is beyond the reach of science The reason why I would use this method to explain philosophy to someone who doesn't know is due to the ability to relate The person on the other end can understand this complex subject in a way that is more relaxed and easier to digest Through this story I didn't have to use any definition or terminology to explain this area of study Instead I gave an example which would unveil the difference in the thinking of a philosopher and other people at question Secondly I would try and seek answers to questions that most philosophers spent almost their entire life thinking about If a person comes up to me and asks me to explain what philosophy is in words I would instead turn the questions towards them I would begin by asking them whether they believe God exists the meaning of life what is the best form of government why do innocent people suffer and so on It is highly likely that the person will have the answer to all my questions since we all as human beings have opinions and are entitled to it 

2 pages | 600 words

Fruits and vegetables as vital components of the human Diet

Fruits and vegetables as vital components of the human diet are required mostly to complete 89 a balanced diet They provide essential nutrients that are required to maintain a healthy body 90 through the prevention or reduction of disease cases These produce similar to other crops 91 during pre and postharvest stages are mostly attacked by pests and Keikotlhaile and 92 Spanoghe 2011 Pesticides the likely solution to pest damage and possible disease infections 93 are mainly used in agriculture to enhance productivity by preventing or reducing losses from 94 weeds diseases and insect pests Ibitomi and Mohammed 2016 that can noticeably decrease 95 the quantity of harvestable produce Zhang 2009 Nevertheless organic pesticides have 96 negative consequences on living organisms and the environment Keikotlhaile and Spanoghe 97 2011 They are characteristically persistent against degradation and removal semi volatile 98 bio accumulative and even highly toxic to humans and their surroundings at significantly 99 lower concentrations Yu et al 2005 Liu et al 2009 Long term lower dose exposures are 100 increasingly linked to immunosuppression hormone disorder diminished brainpower 101 reproductive abnormalities cancer asthma and heart related ailments Kitamura et al 2003 102 Neishabouri et al 2004 Gilden et al 2010 103 Rigorous research has been devoted to understanding and accepting the complex interactions 104 of human pathogens with plants and how advances in microbiological safety issues 105 concerning fresh produce can be accomplished Warriner et al 2009

2 pages | 422 words