276The review of related literature and studies will be discussed in this chapter The main purpose of this chapter is to look into related topics and issue of past literature and studies written by researchers of related field It provides a better view on related topics to expand our knowledge and understanding on the research Literatures reviews in theories and factors which contributed to the impact of chronic absenteeism on the student's academic achievement among secondary students Grade 8 and found in sources such as journals articles some thesis samples and other related materials It make sense that having a punishment will be linked when the students dealing chronically absent Minnesota State University Schiming 2013 research states that the greatest influence on student performance is the time spent in the classroom the second largest effect on student performance is any time spent in discuss that supplements the lecture and third largest impact on performance is the spent outside a class in preparation for the class itself When school personnel parents and community members make a punishment issues that has a priority for greater chance of reducing the absenteeism rate like dropouts daily attendance and others Chronic absenteeism is becoming a problem for many school districts
It is impossible for students to get the complete school experience when they are not present Chronic absenteeism means missing ten percent of a school year for any reason Balfanz and Brynes 2012 Nationwide 5 7 5 million students are chronically absent each year a problem that contribute to higher dropout rates and wider achievement gaps Balfanz and Brynes 2012 Reasons for why students cannot attend school contributed to illness responsibilities for family members legal issues the need to work and uncertain housing situations Absenteeism in students affect their school perform are especially when they are group or teamwork of their assignment and project since grouping will help develops the student cooperative and ability to share and gain knowledge
For their group mates Chronic absenteeism can reduce the likelihood of post secondary enrolment Balfanz and Brynes 2012 Chronic absenteeism can be an early predictor of dropping out of high school Although no child left behind compels states to report attendance there are no mandates to report chronic absenteeism as a result most states and local education agencies report attendance rates to meet reporting requirements
Unfortunately report average attendance rates can obscure the number of chronically absent students Basch 2010 research has found that cognitive ability has an effect on attendance but its magnitude debated Among other factors discouragement can become a fundamental element in a student s willingness to exert further efforts as the student who is struggling cognitively is likely to feel less connected and less inclined to attend Researcher studies the effect holds even after controlling for student demographics Other statistically significant neighbourhood characteristics include average household family size and ownership As the average household size in neighbourhood increases the level of absenteeism among students from that neighbourhood also tends to increase Conversely as the number of residents owning their own home increases absenteeism decreases possibly pointing again to the effect of residential stability Gottfried 2014 Newman WadeSango and Severino Machingombi
2011 study was to investigate that extent of student s absenteeism in selected areas Explore the reasons why students absent themselves from classes and examine the implications of student absenteeism According to Michael A Gottfried 2011 there is evidence suggesting that missing school negatively relates to academic achievement However it is difficult task to derived unbiased empirical estimates of absences in their influence on performance the result indicate stronger statically significant negative relationship between absences and achievement The study of United States department of education has issued a report on the extent of chronic absenteeism among the nation students findings were not good
About one eight of students in 2013 2014 school years missed 15 or more days of school jeopardizing their chances of success in school and later on adults In any case addressing the issue is a continuing challenge of states and school districts have worked to reduce absenteeism In North western Regional laboratory students from one of Oregon alternative High School gave various reasons Why they did not attend school some of these reasons include viewing classes boring irrelevant and wasting of time They have also affected negative relationships their teachers and fellow student Researcher Gov Earl Ray Toblin 2015 proposed and the legislature passed a law revising the truancy laws with greater emphasis on community and home based services Another research about tardiness tackled a specific reasons or factor focused on the frequency of use by the UP Cebu freshmen students of face book and a part of study about the effect of absenteeism to their academic performances stated by Pimentel and Quijada 2011 States in our region were slightly worse than to National average 13 Ohio registered 15 1 of students missing 15 in school year and Kentucky West Virginia checked at 14 6 and 14 1 respectively In Cabell's County schools attendance rate for the 2014 2015 school year actually declined nearly 4 percentage points from 95 6 to 91 8 from the year before according to the West Virginia of Education In Philippine Basic Education 2013 the connection between attendance and achievement is obvious But many students in district school missing 10 of the school year the point where research shows the absenteeism undermines academic performance