Essay Example on Civil Engineering is one of the Professions









STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Civil Engineering is one of the professions where the completed work is magnificent Having done my Bachelors in Civil engineering I feel honored to bring my ideas to this prevailing world But these basics are not enough to establish firm hold in the industry for further development more and more in depth knowledge has to be gained This is the reason why I chose the field of structural engineering to do my masters degree program Being fascination towards construction since my childhood has led me to explore different kind of structures and their construction concepts The feedback I received from my teachers and friends about my creativity was always encouraging My out of box thinking has helped me in finding solutions easily to typical problems Apart from that I keep myself updated with the latest structures built around the world During my Undergraduate I had an opportunity to supervise a construction site and to gain the field exposure as much as possible 

This period has greatly influenced and changed my way of thinking about civil engineering My interest in construction field made me to decide on my major for undergraduate program as Civil Engineering I believed that this field would help to widen my path as it would be an extension of the horizon of the vast subject of basics of structural engineering As a part of the curriculum I was introduced to various subjects like Engineering Mechanics Structural Analysis from which I understood the mechanism of structures My exposure to core subjects like Design of RC and Brick Masonry Structures Steel Structures Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design Prefabricated Structures etc have greatly helped me in understanding the exact behavior of different structures with different materials My quest for knowledge increased many folds I have done my final year project in Stabilization of Black cotton soil using Lime and making it suitable for construction so we collected soil samples from a construction site where I got some guidance from the senior site engineer and we conducted various tests and was able to arrive at a result of the optimum limit of adding lime to the soil to make it suitable for construction and presented the report on my final exams and got a good appreciation from the professors

After completing my project work I joined Anand Construction Chennai India and worked as a Site engineer for about 8months During that period I could understand the current practices prevailing in the field of construction of building structures and I got the opportunity to meet the structural analysis team and got the ideas about the latest techniques used for Design of structural elements using STAAD PRO Then I was offered an internship as Trainee Engineer at VGN Homes Pvt Ltd Chennai for a period of three months during my internship I got a close visualization of developing a township and i was exposed to the control and maintenance activities of the entire township which helped me to complete my internship on the topic I have good knowledge in software like AUTOCAD REVIT STAAD PRO and PRIMAVERA At present I am working as a Design engineer at Hochtief India Pvt Ltd Guindy Chennai As this is a German company we deal with great Infrastructural projects structures like bridges underground tunnels nuclear plants and various structural elements This has helped me to have a bird's eye view of various mega structures that are going on in the development of structural engineering and construction concepts 

On the extra curricular activities front I have been the Class Representative during my school Though I am not a state player I pick up cricket and badminton and always ready to play any games I also have fondness for other games In the long term view I intend to pursue my research in the area of Structural engineering and would like to take forward my skills and experience to make the world a better place more than living With this background I wish that I must further develop on it and raise my level of education to undertake some s research in advanced areas of structural design the insight into the various aspects of designs has only strengthened my ambition to pursue my higher studies in the above fields and expand my professional and educational horizons college I bring along a strong grasp of fundamentals in Structural Analysis and Designs as well as experience an aptitude for research and teamwork and an enthusiastic desire to learn all I can I intend to take with me in addition to knowledge of Structures a network of strong and everlasting relationship with my professors and fellow students I am confident that my qualifications and skills would make my application to the Masters of Science program in Structural Engineering under Civil Engineering at your esteemed university

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