Essay Examples on Community College of Allegheny County

Historically speaking stones have been the most used Material

Introduction Historically speaking stones have been the most used material for building monuments structures and edifices since the beginning of the civilized world Campbell DeRosa 2014 Stones are a long term material when they are properly applied Nevertheless the polluted atmosphere moistures acid rains and divers other factors alter the stone lead to a decreasing performance of the stone over the time Přikryl Török 2010 In addition by investigating the historic materials weaknesses altering them will emerge Therefore restoration needs for those rather materials can be highlighted Bolton 2014 Nonetheless the use of new materials in the restoration of the cultural heritage building is related to many problems On one hand the building restoration should respect traditions emphasise the physical and aesthetic aspects of the primary elements and materials In other words the synergies between old and new should be focused on the valorisation of the origins On the other hand an appropriate use of new materials should not damage the building when they are applied whereas effective criteria should influence the selection of materials which best fit with the requirements identified for the restoration Samukienė 2014 Evaluation 

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