Essay Examples on Concordia University Chicago

Imagine a person applies for a loan using a mobile App

Imagine a person applies for a loan using a mobile app logged in with his social media account uses his social contacts as references registers his signature through touchscreen and the loan application is submitted Within few seconds he gets notified that the loan is approved because our data analytics engine in background verified his social identity calculated a digital credit score using his digital footprint and creditworthiness from other traditional data sources like payment history This is the dream user scenario for a startup based out of Mumbai India called CreditVidya translates to knowledge about one s credit Until recently I worked at CreditVidya as Product Manager New Initiatives and Data Partnerships I realized finding reliable useful data sources to improve algorithm was challenge As a seasoned Product Manager interpreting massive data into product improvements leading to customer satisfaction and business profits is not new to me but the data size grew so did my challenges and inkling that more insights were possible This sparked my interest to pursue a PhD in Data Science to complement my MBA and B Tech on my way to becoming a Data Scientist I am honored to apply to Data Science Ph D at IUPUI to enhance my data analysis and machine learning skills with bigger dream to become a Professor in Informatics 

2 pages | 440 words