Essay Examples on Cumberland University

The industrial revolution started during the year 1776

The industrial revolution started during the year 1776 by a Scottish philosopher named Adam Smith it was about how free market could help out not only the economy but the people of all classes even the poorest The industrial had positives and negatives effects and it can be caused many of the theories that sparked from Adam Smith and Karl Marx In 1776 Adam Smith wrote his theory it was mainly focused on the positive things that surrounded him and how he saw the economy from his point of view adam smith wanted to propose his theory which was called the Free market He believed that free trade markets in the world would increase industrialization and the real wealth for all also the government was passing laws that were not allowing economic growth and social betterment smith thought Britain should sweep away government privileges and restrictions and the free market should operate on its own smith wanted everyone to benefit from the free market his theory he thought the government had some laws that were limiting the competition and that would not allow or let the economy to grow and social betterment increase production

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