I interviewed the IT technical office manager at a local University that I attended for my bachelor s degree He was willing to help spread the news about the importance of company Internet policies and the damage it can do not only to the individual but maybe even the corporation company or organization He began with an opening statement by saying One of the major internet policies we have is that you are not allowed to use the campus internet to illegally torrent software This is also known as illegally downloading copyrighted materials or piracy not only software but other things to gain a profit like music cd's burning and selling or books that don't allow an individual to have access to download the material it's a copyright infringement He proceeded to allocate that this applies to students faculty and staff Although it doesn't happen very often when it does this is how it's handled First they find out about the incident when a company sends them a letter saying that someone on their network pirated a copy or download their copyrighted content or materials illegally They then proceed to use the information given to them in the letter to find out whose account it belongs too and then instantly shut down that account When the account is shut down the offender has no access to the campus internet If the offender wants to reactivate their account they must follow the following steps