Essay Examples on Delaware College of Art and Design

The agenda is changing very fast

In today's global world the agenda is changing very fast It's almost impossible to follow and analyze them Political agreements economic crises development plans these issues are always on the agenda But among these there is an issue that will fundamentally change the states economies political vision even their demographic structure Which is really important and effects human lives in the short term The refugee problem Throughout history people had to migrate from one place to another Even if the reasons change generally they have migrated for agricultural scarcity war and exile But nowadays immigration and refugee concepts have become different from the past centuries Through the years this crisis is getting bigger and bigger Just in 25 years The number of migrants is doubled Over 36 million people migrated due to the reasons mentioned above In this global world where democratization liberalism and human rights are widespread and accepted It s an international problem that refugee issue remains like this and fall astern This critical analysis paper will analyze and explain the refugee issue in the context of international law The successes and failures of the international refugee regime will be examined and proposals will be brought up with a different and innovative perspective Introduction part will describe the meaning of these words and differences between them followed by concepts history In the development section success and failures of international organizations will be analyzed and explained Lastly with a new perspective personal suggestions will be given to refugee regime

2 pages | 496 words