333AM FM quality assessment By using alternating decision tree adaBoost Naïve Bayes Random Forest and SVM Decision making for predicting the presence of diabetic retinopathy was performed 2 In this paper the proposed technique firstly applied switching median filter to remove the effect of high density noise in retinal images and then genetic algorithm will come in action to locate exudates in these images This experimental results have clearly shown that the proposed technique outperforms over the available techniques in terms of sensitivity accuracy and error rate 4 This paper presents the design and implementation of GPU accelerated deep convolutional neural networks This automatically diagnose and thereby classify high resolution retinal images into 5 stages of the disease based on severity II PROPOSED METHOD All of existing methods are good in some measures for detection and segmentation of exudates but still raise some problems with low intensity low accuracy less color contrast and sensitivity non uniform illumination images Therefore our proposed algorithm and techniques have ability to solve these problems by preprocessing techniques All process is demonstrated in Fig 2 and step wise details are explained below Step 1 First of all take a diabetic RGB human retinal image Step 2 Apply Gaussian Filter to remove noisefrom image Step 3 Convert the RGB image into greyscale level Step 4 Apply Machine Learning Algorithm to this image Step 5 Compare the Resulted image with Test data Step 6 Detect the stages Step 7 Finally higher values of accuracy sensitivity and lower value of error rate are obtained I PRE PROCESSING For the detection of Diabetic Retinopathy stages the Color Fundus Images are considered as an input These images are the color images which provides the details about retina of eye These images are preprocessed to improve the quality of image and then it is used for the further stages The pixel values of Color Fundus Images are permanently distorted and the superior data is used for analysis of images This suppress undesired information and enhance required features In Pre processing it involves brightness correction edge detection intensity adjustment Histogram equalization etc Gaussian filter In this we apply method to make image smooth and reduce noise Gaussian filter is use to blur images and remove noise Grey Conversion When converting an RGB image to grayscale we have to take the RGB values for each pixel and make as output as single value reflecting the brightness of that pixel The purpose of doing this is to highlight the defected portion of the eye