Essay Examples on Dominican University College

Problem based learning has been used as a direct Method

Problem Based Learning Problem based learning has been used as a direct method of teaching This method uses facts and direct examples to prove out a solution This is similar to mathematics in the sense that there is an absolute answer or approach People in the Information Technology may use this method to help them solve a problem as it is a more direct approach to finding a solution Problem Based Learning PBL is a teaching method in which complex real world problems are used as the vehicle to promote student learning of concepts and principles as opposed to direct presentation of facts and concepts In addition to course content PBL can promote the development of critical thinking skills problem solving abilities and communication skills It can also provide opportunities for working in groups finding and evaluating research materials and lifelong learning Duch Groh Allen para 1 PBL can be incorporated into any learning situation In the strictest definition of PBL the approach is used over the entire semester as the primary method of teaching However broader definitions and uses range from including PBL in lab and design classes to using it simply to start a single discussion PBL can also be used to create assessment items The main thread connecting these various uses is the real world problem Duch Groh Allen para 2 I was taught using problem based learning 

2 pages | 458 words