Essay Examples on Edge Hill University

Physician Assisted Death Is it Really the Best Choice

Physician Assisted Death Is it Really the Best Choice Physician assisted death is has recently become legal in Canada but it is important to have a deeper understanding of potential consequences this legalization can entail The approval of Bill C 14 on June 17 2016 is what set the grounds for this phenomenon to be part of medical practice in Canada Ireland 2017 Since legalization over 1300 Canadians have died with the help of physicians that is a significant amount of people that perhaps still could have been living today if Bill C 14 had not been passed Ireland 2017 In the case of Rob Rollins a story published on CBC news he was a man fighting cancer and the doctors had told him that he had around 6 months to live Ireland 2017 Rollins was a terminally ill but completely competent man and he made the decision on his own will to end his life through the assistance of a physician Ireland 2017 It does make sense that Rollins had the right to autonomy he obviously felt that it is his own life and that he has the right to take his life when he seemed fit It does seem like a favourable choice when it comes to the idea of dying with dignity since a patient can be administered a lethal dose of drugs that could help him or her die a painless and well planned out death surrounded by things and people that are important to them

2 pages | 479 words