Essay Examples on El Centro College

Introduction Cells are held together by a lipid bilayer membrane

Introduction Cells are held together by a lipid bilayer membrane which is semipermeable that regulates what can come in and out of the cell In this experiment I will be observing how different substances use passive transport across the membrane Osmosis is simply the movement of water across a membrane The water moves across the membrane depending on the concentration of the substance inside and outside of the cell membrane Objective Observe osmosis in an egg cell In this activity I will conduct a simple experiment with eggs vinegar water and corn syrup in order to understand the principle of osmosis Question How do different solutions affect the movement of water across an egg s cell membrane What do you think will happen when the egg is placed into corn syrup What about tap water Hypothesis I think that both of the eggs will grow when they are placed in vinegar and lose their shells The one that always stays in vinegar will continue growing until it bursts or until the experiment is over and the egg is removed from the vinegar The other egg will then lose weight in corn syrup and it will gain some weight when it is put into the water Materials 1 One raw egg experiment one raw egg control 2 Kitchen scale 3 2 large wide mouth glass jars 4 Vinegar 5 Tap water 6 Corn syrup 7 Labeling Tape 8 Permanent marker 9 1 Plastic spoon 10 Paper towels Procedure 1 I will put both eggs in enough vinegar to cover each egg 2 

2 pages | 494 words