Essay Example on Engineering and Managing Software Requirements









Abstract In this Research Paper I read different books of different authors and visits lot of websites for the topic of Engineering and Managing Software Requirements And then I explored the interdisciplinary nature of Requirements Engineering RE and portrays the current status of understanding and functionality to analyzing modeling and managing of Requirement Engineering activities and Managing Software Requirement for current as well as future systems with exacting emphasis on original ideas frameworks and empirical studies and future directions of Requirement Engineering and Managing Software Requirement practice and understanding Introduction Requirement Engineering is that process by which the requirements for software are collected analyzed documented understanding planning and then managed all over the Software Engineering lifecycle Requirement Engineering is concerned with understand the user requirement and interpreting and understanding of stakeholder s goals requirement needs and beliefs There are many other problems linked with Requirement Engineering that may lead to incomplete requirements and incompatible cancellation of software projects application Software developers understand that a strong requirements management process is essential to the successful completion of software projects to make worth in market and satisfy the clients all expected requirement for which they want to develop that software or applications As Requirement Engineering is best way to understating understanding identifying and articulating the role of business requirements which are expected from stakeholders from diverse backgrounds with different needs 

Requirement Engineering is also a management activity that manages different Requirement activities like analyzing and monitoring products requirements and managing the project scope This research paper shows and describes to draw engineering and management features to describe and analyzed issues that face the Requirement Engineering in the third millennium Why a Research Paper Requirement Engineering and managing software requirements are main features and main discussion for systematic software development to describe how to apply these solutions to industrial practice and developing environments Furthermore it provides collections of Requirement Research and information about current industry practices This Research Papers describe few point new insights into the software development process for software developers It also shows that Requirement Engineering is also a management activity that manages different Requirement activities like analyzing and monitoring products requirements and managing the project scope Background Review of the State of the Art Requirements engineering is accepted as one of the most critical stages in software design and development as it addresses the critical problem of designing the right software for the customer and fulfill all desired customer requirement for which that software or application is established Requirements engineering is progressively more becoming a set of processes that operates on different levels like organizational product and project levels The development of a software requirements specification is widely recognized as the bases of system functionality Requirement Engineering is a continuous process on organizational and product levels and a process limited in time on the project level 

However most requirements engineering research to date is devoted to handling requirements on the project level making this the main focus of this Research Paper Software requirements are the critical determinants of software quality as mentioned that errors in requirements are the most numerous in the software life cycle and also the most expensive and time consuming to correct What is a Requirement A requirement is that aspect that a user or clients wants from developer for which purpose he wants to development So we can say that a Requirement typically refers to some aspect features of a new or enhanced product of service Requirement is that condition that must be fulfilled by a system to satisfy a contract IEEE 610 12 1990 standard 24 defines a requirement as A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective Types of requirements These are types of Requirements like Functional requirements and Non Functional Requirements Functional Requirement what the system will do Mean what will be functionality of software Non Functional Requirement Non Functional Requirements are that requirements that defines solutions that will meet the functional requirement like accuracy performance security and modifiability Requirement Engineering Process prefers to all life cycle activities related to requirements in which include gathering documenting and managing requirements with significance of requirement in the software process Common requirements engineering activities are understanding elicitation and structuring compromise verification and validation and to change management and requirements tracing

There are several process models available to describe the requirements engineering process The Role of Stakeholders in Requirements Engineering requirements engineering aims to convert potentially incomplete incompatible and differing stakeholder goals into a complete set of high quality requirements As software projects became more and more difficult software developers face the challenge of identifying the goals of stakeholders who come from a diverse range of backgrounds The major problems in requirements engineering is the management of different types of inconsistencies ensuing from requirements specification modeling elicitation and prioritization activities Inconsistencies become mostly obvious when there are multiple stakeholders and viewpoints since different stakeholders have varying ways of express themselves and different opinions as well as priorities

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