Essay Examples on Horry-Georgetown Technical College

The Drama Macbeth was written by Shakespeare

The Drama Macbeth was written by Shakespeare in Using language Shakespeare shows how Macbeth changes from a brave respectable man to a murderous tyrant In the first act Macbeth is introduced as a brave soldier For brave Macbeth well he deserves that name Captain Act 1 Scene 2 lines 15 16 In line 67 the King Duncan says What he hath lost noble Macbeth hath won This shows that Macbeth was respected by the King and the people who knew him He won the war for Scotland and defeated Macdonald the Norwegian King He was the Hero for everyone and when Duncan found out that the Thane of Cawdor betrayed him he gave the title to Macbeth This implies that Duncan liked Macbeth and that he thought Macbeth deserved this Shortly after that Macbeth is showing some ambition and greed The witches tell him that he is going to be King and that Banquo s children are going to be Kings At first he does not trust the witches However after he gets greeted as the Thane of Cawdor He bade him from him call thee Thane of Cawdor Ross Act 1 Scene 3 line 102 he is starting to change My thought whose murder yet is but fantastical Shakes so my single state of man Act 1 Scene 3 lines 138 139 He is thinking about the murder of Duncan so that he can become King of Scotland although it seems like he is scared of himself and what the thought of power does to him He is conflicted and does not know what to do Let not the light see my black and deep desires Act 1 Scene 4 line 51 This implies that he wants to follow through with his plan and that the doubts that troubled him before are now gone But when Duncan is Macbeth s guest and he has the opportunity he leaves the room and tells his wife

2 pages | 620 words