Essay Example on How Teenage pregnancy can affect the progression of Education








How Teenage pregnancy can affect the progression of education and why has teenage pregnancy decreased Introduction Teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenager or underage girl becoming pregnant The term connotes that the girl has not yet reached legal adulthood before conceiving A teenage girl may become pregnant because of various reasons or situations but all teenage pregnancies are a result of sexual activities either voluntary or not One of the most traumatic and devastating effects of teenage pregnancy is making it difficult for the girl to continue with her education Drop out rates repeaters poor scoring and unable to gain qualifications are the educational consequences of teenage pregnancy This paper proposes to explore how teenage pregnancy affects academic progression and understand the reasons behind the decrease in teenage pregnancy As a student pregnant teenagers are expected to meet a minimum rate of academic progress Academic progress implies achieving 50 of the credit points for the subjects that they are enrolled over the duration of the course Progression status is based on course status multiple fails and assessment guide Research Questions The key questions that will be answered in this study is how teenage pregnancy affects the academic development And why has teenage pregnancy decreased Other research questions are 1 How teenagers view the effects of their pregnancy and their education 2 Does being pregnant contribute support or limit the desire to finish schooling 3 How teenage pregnancy changes the studying patterns of the teenager 4 In what specific ways does teenage pregnancy affect the academic performance of the teenager 5 To what extent does teenage pregnancy affect the academic achievement of the teenager Research Aim and Objectives

The main aim of this study is to evaluate how teenage pregnancy affects the academic progression of the teenagers As well as this the following research questions will be addressed Determine the changes in academic performance achievement and progressions of the teenagers when becoming pregnant Determine the perceptions attitudes and beliefs of the pregnant teenagers about their education Method I would tend to think that pregnant teenagers lose the drive to continue and finish their education but this may not be the case This study will use the principal ways of conducting exploratory research which include literature search consulting the experts about the subject and conducting a survey My research will operate within the cross sectional design as I will be collecting data on more than one case using structured questionnaires and documents The benefit of this would be that Ì would be able to focus on the breadth and depth of the research Moreover by exploring the breadth of the topic I am increasing my validity and the truthfulness of my research and thereby minimize the confounding variables Data gathered using these instruments will be collated for analysis Data analysis will primarily be characterized by statistical approach The following statistical formula will be used in the quantitative analysis The primary sampling technique to be used will be quantitate research The researcher will survey pregnant teenagers aged 14 19 and they must be attending school regularly during their first six months of pregnancy

The surveys for the teenagers will be included within the pregnancy packs that are given out during their first antenatal The number of surveys to be handed out would average on being 100 Another survey will be handed to the school to identify the students attendance and progression during their pregnancy Research There has been a decline in the numbers of teenage who are pregnant from 2008 The rate of under 18 conceptions in England has fallen by 13 per cent from the 1998 baseline to 2008 Frances 2010 Risk factors from the 1999 report include more coherence with parents and schools and expectations for the future would influence the future outcomes Evidence of how things were heading Many years ago Nobel prize winner economist George Akerlof claimed that easier access to contraception could increase sexual activity leading to more pregnancies Due to spending cuts the rate of teenage pregnancy has decreased One factor could be an increase in improvements in education Increasing aspiration making early pregnancy less attractive Another more speculative explanation is the rise of generation sensible possibly abetted by the growth of social media and lower childhood exposure to lead in petrol

Many countries including the US Ireland Australia and New Zealand have seen decreases in teenage pregnancy similar to the UK Teenagers in these countries now smoke and drink less take fewer drugs and are less likely to commit crimes Sex may be another risky activity they are turning away from David Paton 2017 Conception leading to abortion in under 16 was 63 in 2014 the highest percentage out of all age groups The lowest percentage was in the 30 to 34 brackets at 13 in 2014 Teenage conception is widely understood to be associated with poor educational achievement social isolation poverty as well as poor physical and mental health Socio economic disadvantages can be a cause and consequence of teenage pregnancy School policy on it Under section 17 of the Equality Act 2010 it is unlawful for Higher Education Institute to discriminate against any student who is pregnant or has currently given birth protection from discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy and maternity This act is already in place in the work place but now has been implemented in schools to protect students whom are pregnant or have given birth 2010 2010 Conclusion Teenage pregnancies are at their lowest since 1960 this could be due to a shift in aspirations as women tend to lean more towards education It could also be due to the stigma surrounding young mothers the perception that pregnancy and parenting at a young age affects their strength and day to day coping The shift in women having babies 40 and older could be linked to the increase in house prices and the want for more stability financially before starting a family

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