289Student Innovative Project 2017 18 Proposal Report SIP ID 1617S4063 Page 1 of 7 Antenna positioning and tracking equipments are adjustable to compensate for positional variation in the satellite Physical structure are designed to withstand the harsh climates The radome or de icing equipment makes sure that the transponder functions properly during snow or icing conditions Outdoor Equipment An antenna for has a low noise amplifier for reception and a down converter for converting microwave to intermediate frequencies For transmission additional equipment is required an upconverter for converting frequencies from intermediate to microwave frequencies and a solid state power amplifier for boosting signals for transmission Antenna Configuration Low Noise Blockconverter Since the transmitted signal travels a vry long distance it is very weak at the time of reception it is amplified to a range that can be used for communication A low noise amplifier achieves this without burying the transmitted signal with internal amplifier noise Most ground stations today utilize solid state low noise amplifiers comprising field effect transistors FETs made of from gallium arsenide GaAs a semiconductor material
This device is less noisy extremely rugged and relia WORK PLAN To design the mixer amplifier filters present in the downconverter and the coherent detector reference generator transmitter section of the transponder EXPECTED OUTCOME RESULTS The femto satellite with proposed transponder is expected to function as a better communication satellite with efficient size and cost APPLICATIONS C band transponders are widely used for the telemetry telecommand control of satellite This requires full protection from all other external interferences such as risk of losing control C band is used to enhance the air traffic control systems in areas where land coverage is unreliable The CENTRE FOR TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER Student Innovative Project 2017 18 Proposal Report SIP ID 1617S4063 Page 1 of 7 interconnection between the remote VHF towers and the air traffic control centre is given by C band FSS systems C band can supply the required reliability for safety services It is not preferred to be replaced using other bands it withstands all climatic conditions imposed on it It provides Sufficiently high reliability in tropical and high rain regions CONCLUSION Thus with all these above furnished details and the gained knowledge we will be able to design an efficient C band transponder to be used in Femto satellite FINANCIAL