460Conflicting Viewpoints Part 1 1 Select one 1 of the approved topics from the www procon org Website and state your position on the issue The topic I selected is school uniforms I propose the idea of wearing school uniforms because may deter crime and increase student safety Wearing school uniforms prevent students from concealing weapons under baggy clothing Similarly students will be more focused on their education rather than what they are wearing Wearing school uniforms is a badge of pride unity and community spirit because it creates an identity for a school and hence is an important part of being a student Students are made to feel important by wearing a uniform School uniforms improve punctuality because students do no spend a lot of time choosing the right outfits for the school day I think this saves time in the morning and this means the student will be at school on time ready for their studies This also saves money for their parents because they don t have to worry about purchasing lots of clothes for their children to wear for the school day 2 From the Procon org Website identify three 3 premises reasons listed under either the Pro or Con section whichever section opposes your position The following are the three premises under the
Con section that opposes my position a School uniforms restrict students freedom of expression b School uniforms promotes conformity over individuality c Focusing on uniforms takes attention away from finding genuine solutions to problems in education 3 For each of the three 3 premises reasons that oppose your position on the issue answer these believing questions suggested by Elbow a School uniforms restrict students freedom of expression What's interesting or helpful about this view First and foremost I disagree with this statement because I believe students can still express themselves when in school uniforms Just because a student is wearing school uniform does not mean that he is not a mature person In my opinion I believe expression is often more internal than it is external For instance a student can express themselves in other ways not demanding to worry about what to wear every day and this means they can avoid pointless fashion trends School uniform gives a student a sense of belonging and they could have vibrant attitudes and this gives them confidence to achieve greater things in life What would I notice if I believed this view I would notice that I didn't have an open mind about the freedom of expression I believe school uniforms don't necessarily need to stifle a student way of expressing themselves In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true This idea is not true because I don t believe in any idea that wearing a school uniform restricts a student from freedom of expression
There are other ways for students to express themselves outside of just their school uniform b School uniform promotes conformity over individuality What's interesting or helpful about this view The most interesting thing about conformity over individuality is that it is true school uniforms promote conformity over individuality because it complies with the set rules laws and the standards that have been put in place by school The issue of buying the latest trends of clothes can create stress on students particularly those who come from poor families What would I notice if I believed this view What I would have believed is that it is true that wearing school uniforms promotes conformity over individuality But this has totally nothing to do with the student's individuality I believe that students can still have the right to express themselves even when they are in school uniforms In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true This idea of a school uniform stripping students of individual rights is unreasonable For instance just because a girl wears tight fitting leggings it does not mean that it defies male students of individual rights c School uniforms do not improve attendance academic preparedness or exam results a What's interesting or helpful about this view There s nothing helpful about this view Wearing school uniforms enforces discipline to students and this means they will not miss their classes unless with good reasons such as illness lack of school fees etc Students will pay more attention to their school work if they aren t preoccupied by fashion and this means they focus more on their studies and hence leading to better academic performance It is worth recognition that the best performing schools tend to have similar best practices such as strict school uniform policies
What would I notice if I believed this view There s nothing I would have noticed if I believed this view How well a student performs at school may not necessarily be as a result of the clothes he or she is wearing Therefore I don t believe that wearing school uniforms leads to poor performance in school However I believe the idea that wearing school uniforms can lead to better performance because a student will be more focused on his studies than to fashion trends It creates a sense of discipline for the classwork and this mean students will perform better In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true This idea of school uniforms leading to poor performance is unreasonable I believe wearing a school uniform serve as a symbol of commitment to academic achievement Uniform improves the behavior of students and they also enjoy the sense of pride they get from wearing smart uniform This creates an environment where students are more focused on their studies which means they will perform better Although wearing uniforms alone does not improve academic performance but school uniforms helps in addressing key issues such discipline and attendance in school