Essay Example on In what ways are economic systems shaped by cultural Beliefs









What are some of the differences between market based and gift exchange economies Provide an example to illustrate your point s It is believed that the symbols and morals help shape a community's economic The symbols on a coin or a money bill will have a lot of meanings to a community The differences between market based and gift exchange economies are in market based economy if that person has money he she can buy almost everything he she wants that is the general purpose money In gift exchange economy the use of money is limited it becomes the objects that can be used for exchanging not buying that is the limited purpose money The gift exchange economic also creates the reciprocity which has 3 kinds generalized giving without the expectation of return balanced giving with an expectation of return at some time later and negative giving with the purpose of receiving something back For a simple examples donate blood giving without the expectation of return or you invest your money in stock market and hoping you will receive some money back in the future giving with an expectation of return at some time later 2 Ch 10 What is the difference between non centralized and centralized political systems What are some of the insights which can be gained from an anthropological approach to studying governmental and political structures Provide an example s to illustrate your point s The difference between non centralized and centralized political systems is the form of government in non centralized political system spreads the power throughout many small parts of government rather than centralized political system which has the government is at the center and the most powerful 

There are some of the insights which can be obtained from an anthropological approach to studying governmental and political structure such as band tribe chiefdom and state Political system and social structures are based on political anthropology to define the valuable for the variety of ways humans make and remain social structures institutions relations along with formal governments An example to illustrate my point is Vietnamese political system is a centralized political systems the government over there is the one who has most power and control the country Civic almost does not have right to decide any plan or rule for the country only the government or President Prime Minister have the right to decide plan or policy for the country 3 Ch 11 Explain the following statement the concept of race is a social construct not a biological fact What does this mean Where does the idea of race as a bioligical category come from Why do people still think race is biological when it is in fact not Use an example s to illustrate your point When the anthropologists test the approach biological to category human into racial groups they face some limitations and it fails The biological traits developments have no connection with a human s development and with each other Also we cannot use the biological fact to divide human into racical groups because if we do there would be a lot of groups for example we will have group of people with different type of blood A B O AB or group of people that are slim average and obesity To conclusion the concept of race is not a biological fact because it has many of limitations when it is not the biological fact it can only be the artificial which means the creation of humans or social construct

The idea of race as a biological category comes from the Virginia colony by the end of the seventeenth century they divided people into two groups which are black and white the idea of race develops and spreads out after that People still think race is biological because the racism is instilled into their mind and it becomes the prejudices those prejudices are stable and people do not want to change their mind For example in 1866 the Ku Klux Klan was established to prevent the African Americans to improve their lives 4 Ch 12 Gender sex and sexuality are not the same thing Explain the differences between these terms In what ways are polupar perception of these concepts changing American culture Provide an example s to illustrate your point s Gender refers to how a society expects the male and female should be Sex refers to the differences in biological traits when an individual is born in body parts in functions and in behavior between male and female Sexuality refers to what sex an individual prefers or decides to be what sex an individual is attracted to and how an individual express his or her preference sex The preception of these concepts changing American culture example like it created new gender gay lesbian In the past there is only two gender male or female man or woman but now we have a third gender gay lesbian At first a lot of communities in America did not accept it but people in the third gender fought for their right found for the discrimination in working and public place now they are called LGBT community On June 26 2015 the same sex marriage was accepted in All fifty states in America In the conclusion the perceptions of sex gender and sexuality have been changing the American culture

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