265These codes of conducts are kept in place by all the organizations to maintain their integrity and safe keeping of their clients It is not every person s interest to follow given rules There are many of these cases that follow in misusing of online banking and electronic technologies Because of these misuses of professional power or access they intend to use customer information and other sensitive information stores in these systems to for their personal gains Professional issues include Using customer card details for frauds Leaking personal information to public Staffs not having clearly understanding organizations code of conducts Accessing areas of Information System which is out of his her restrictions Staffs not fully up to date with trending new technologies and safety procedures Accepting bribery for leaking information In 2010 HSBC one of the famous banks in the world faced a huge threat where 24000 of their customer details were taken or copied from their database by an IT department staff This is huge disappointment by their customer and huge blow in their reputation Reuters 2010 To overcome these critical issues that will directly and indirectly affect customers as well as the financial institutes organization must uphold the best practices of professional code of conducts While creating or enforcing these codes of conduct organization can follow the principle that is given by British Computing Society code of conduct or in short BCS code of conducts BSC code of conducts is set of rules and regulation given by British Computer Society for their members to follow These set of rules acts like a framework for their members or organization to make their own professional code of conducts Service 2016 BSC framework exists of mainly 4 categories where they are subcategorized into other aspects of professionalism or professional norms institutes must uphold They are 1 Public Interest 2 Professional and Competence and Integrity 3 Duty to relevant Authority 4 Duty to Profession Customer information is sensitive and private information which must be kept safe by any cost In order to do so as professional code of conduct IT staffs must follow BSC code of conduct 1 a which states have due regard for public privacy security and wellbeing of others
Hence leaking personal data will lead in affecting these things Also in this section b states protecting legitimate rights of any Third Parties Protecting customer information as well and any payment done to any other institutes must be private and confidential Next section of BSC is about professional competence and integrity This is the most important section of code of conduct framework for this Information Technology New or inexperienced staff must not do sensitive work without supervision This is a huge risk for security In BSC code of conduct section 2 a clearly specifies only to undertake work that is within your professional competence Also in this section b states NOT to claim that you have knowledge or competence to do a task It is every professional to keep up to date of their profession This will help them in their jobs to be more effective Keeping up to date security features is uttermost important for any online banking system BSC code of conduct 2 c recommends this Also in this section g states not to take any bribery for unethical conducts for example leaking sensitive information or trade inside secrets of organization Legal part Protecting data which is handed over to any institute by its customers is a must Like so any financial institutes it is compulsory to follow data protecting legal acts to safe keep themselves as well as their customers In a legal perspective thinking it is also customer s sole responsibility to check legal acts and status at an institute before starting banking with them Hence legally it is his her responsibly to be in a safe zone too Increasing in online banking and electronic card services e commerce websites has increased gradually in last decade or two In a study held by Gartner Group shows estimated 47 of United States and 30 of United Kingdom adults use banking services Over 1 Billion US dollars are paid in electronic bills on 2009 Using online banking and electronic cards for e commerce or online shopping comes with its advantages It is easy reliable time saving etc Batchelor 2017 Laws act as a shield for all the crimes that may arise in this service In order for any parties involved in this service system organizations must abide or follow good data protection acts or laws Data Protection act 1998 is one of them