Essay Example on Matthew J. Perry inspired future lawyers judges and activists









Joined the army during World War Two to help fight for our rights He also joined the NAACP to help the group fight segregation in the death South He defended multiple students who had participated in sit ins and marches He had been credited to have helped mentor many civil rights activists Instead of forcing people to pay the fees of having a lawyers he often had them pay in foods like pies so he obviously wasn t in it for the money or fame When he was a young child his father died so he had to work jobs like digging ditches to support his family He was known to be very passionate in his trials yet he was always polite and considerate He never retired as he has stated that he wants to see the lives in the world improve He has also helped people like Senator Ernest Hollings realize how bad racism is by education them on it He did the Edwards vs South Carolina which has been cited in more than 70 other cases which was to protect the right to have protest marches He opened black classrooms for the unfortunate who were not given any education He tried cases such as hospital park colleges and university segregation in order to reform them to stop it or at least bring awareness 

He did the Cummings vs City of Charleston trial he challenged the public golf course being segregated He knew that this could affect his family his career his entire life going against what society had given them Yet even when he was sure he was going to lose a case he kept polite and he fought for it to either win or at least bring more attention to the issue He paved the way for future African Americans he worked hard Never retiring even at 89 because he always wanted things to get better for the groups of people who needed it Perry told how when he met a judge the man was incredibly shocked that Perry was black as if that was so amazing and shocking that a black man was a lawyer Perry was able to keep a lighthearted outlook on certain memories where many would have turned bitter He never became racist and against the race that wronged him he just strived for better never welcoming the hatred as he easily could of In the State vs Edwards case he defended protesters who had been arrested because they had been disturbing the peace when they had done nothing besides voicing their opinion He also in the Stevenson vs West case he was able to get the South Carolina House of Representation reapportioned into one person districts leading to African Americans being able to get more representation 

Using his representation against discrimination would write letters getting the opposers to change without trial Perry used his knowledge of the law to tear down the walls of segregation in South Carolina the deep south where virtually everything was segregation without Perry it would ve been much worse off for much longer Perry helped Sarah Mae Flemming sue the transit company because she was assaulted had an altercation with the bus driver after she tried to go through a White Only door This was later used during Rosa Parks cases in Montgomery Alabama Perry didn t take cases that were small ones that would keep him out of the limelight of defying racism He took cases to make sure that the problems of racism and discrimination would be addressed and fixed Perry always made sure that he was beyond well prepared for the cases he was apart of he would read up on it even bringing books with him He always made sure he was being fair and upholding the law He helped desegregate a hospital after he won the Gloria Blackwell and Laura Rackley vs Tri County Hospital where a black lady was arrested for sitting in the white only waiting room waiting for her daughter During that case Perry was arrested under contempt of court which meant he had been disobedient towards the law Yet Perry was known for being courteous to everyone he met racist or not Perry was likely arrested like many other well known civil rights activists arrested because he defied the law of white supremacy Yet he didn t let this stop him he still continued to take cases to help those and bring recognition towards the fight against racism in the deep south In the Harvey B Gantt vs

The Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina he defended marking the first african american to join Clemson college and later the desegregation of Clemson college Perry fought many cases to stop segregation in front of the Supreme Court winning many of them too Perry was the first african american from the deep south to become a federal judge inspiring others and paving the way for future generations In the Peterson vs City of Greenville he and the team helped over 7 000 people who had been arrested for being apart of sits ins using the right of free speech Perry died at age 89 in 2011 he never retired and he never worked less than he had before He stay vigorous and worked harder than before He knew that he had a reputation he name brought hope for the young and helpless he had the knowledge and power to help stop the discrimination of the innocent so he did for his entire life Because Perry took the challenging cases the ones that brought awareness and change to the racist structure in society he inspired future lawyers judges and activists like J Michelle Childs an african american judge in the US District Court for the District of South Carolina Because Perry took the effort to take and win hard segregation cases she was inspired to do the same

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