Essay Examples on MIAT College of Technology

Matthew J. Perry inspired future lawyers judges and activists

Joined the army during World War Two to help fight for our rights He also joined the NAACP to help the group fight segregation in the death South He defended multiple students who had participated in sit ins and marches He had been credited to have helped mentor many civil rights activists Instead of forcing people to pay the fees of having a lawyers he often had them pay in foods like pies so he obviously wasn t in it for the money or fame When he was a young child his father died so he had to work jobs like digging ditches to support his family He was known to be very passionate in his trials yet he was always polite and considerate He never retired as he has stated that he wants to see the lives in the world improve He has also helped people like Senator Ernest Hollings realize how bad racism is by education them on it He did the Edwards vs South Carolina which has been cited in more than 70 other cases which was to protect the right to have protest marches He opened black classrooms for the unfortunate who were not given any education He tried cases such as hospital park colleges and university segregation in order to reform them to stop it or at least bring awareness 

2 pages | 448 words