Essay Examples on Mississippi Delta Community College

Literature review Kadaria 2012 finds out the Relationship

Literature review Kadaria 2012 finds out the relationship between different factors that affecting the long term investors decision making behavior The researcher find that some factors like the majority of investors are youngers and young investors not use their skills bitterly mostly investors prefer capital gain are factors that affect the investors behavior In this research the researcher used primary data Researcher collect the data through structures questionnaire and collect the date through online email from the employees of Nepalese stock market Researcher used this method to find out the impact of variables that affect the investor's behavior stud shows a significant relationship between two variables At the end of this article researcher find significant relationship between perfect positive variable 1 and perfect negative variable 1 Kadariya july 2012 Islamoglu Apan and Ayvali 2015 find out the relationship between determinations of factors that affect the individual investor behavior In this research they are used secondary date they get the date after scanning the other articles They find some factors that affect the individual investor behavior are Personal characteristics attitudes towards risks incomes and tendency of saving money differ among people 

1 pages | 370 words

Growing Up Too Young Remember it is a sin to kill a Mockingbird

Growing Up Too Young Remember it is a sin to kill a mockingbird 119 In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Scout and Jem lose their innocence after an encounter with injustice however the way they interpret human nature after this encounter is quite different from each other Their thinking process is altered by their gender as well as age which significantly changed their thought process and rate of maturity In the beginning they were both innocent however Jem has the edge because was born four years before Scout and remembers their mother Despite this edge they still have the same outlook towards life at this point Jem and Scout experience the same events throughout their early life For example they both question the Radley house and are extremely curious about Boo Radley They also experience the same events like Miss Maudie's house getting burned down and Ms Dubose s racist language however these experiences are experienced in slightly different ways like Boo Radley giving Scout his jacket and Jem being forced to read to Miss Maudie Their genders also play a great role in this because Scout s rebellious and doesn't like the stereotype of women in their society while Jem doesn't have to deal with that and rather encourages

2 pages | 425 words