Essay Examples on Morrisville-Eaton Central School

Illogical choices based on desire is Probably

Illogical choices based on desire is probably not the best way to solve personal affairs John Updike the author of AP describes how being immature can lead to harsh consequences Sammy the narrator of the story observes the customers of A P from his standpoint behind the cash register He is 19 years of age but relates to the teenage girls who walk into the store and reacts to his manager's authority with youthful rebellion With the choice he makes he faces more doubts and fears about the future than the girls He is now dreading the adult consequences of his actions Sammy is portrayed as an immature young male as developed through his actions comments about other characters and thoughts and feelings Sammy s character is Developed through his action When the three young females enter the store he is quickly distracted from his duties As Sammy explains I stood there with a box of HiHo crackers trying to remember if I rang it up or not I ring it up again and the customer starts giving me hell Updike 438 Sammy is paying attention to each and every move these young ladies make in the store Updike clearly emphasizes what is most important to Sammy right now Some of that actions he takes make him seem childish For example He states that Queenies chest is a clean bare plane of the top of her chest down from the shoulder bones like a dented sheet of metal tilted in the light 

2 pages | 500 words