314Title Most people do not know who the US Congressional Senator is in their state well in California Dianne Feinstein is one of our Congressional Senators Dianne Feinstein has done a lot for the state of California this includes dealing with the drugs that are smuggled into the United States the AMBER Alert system and many other bills or issues going on In San Francisco where she grew up she was the first woman on Board of Supervisors and the first woman mayor Before Feinstein had made a name for herself in the US Congress she went to Stanford and received her Bachelor s Degree In 1992 is when she was elected into the Senate and 25 years later she is still apart of it She is apart of the Democratic party and is up for re election in 2018 Feinstein is apart of the Senate Judiciary Committee but that is just one of many some of her key interests as stated earlier are criminalization of border drug tunnels sex trafficking preventing sex abuse of amatuer athletes and many others A bill that she created was the Feinstein Concealed Carry Gun Bills Dangerous is was issued on July 7th 2012 Until this day the bill has for the most part been ignored In the article Dianne Feinstein introduces senate gun control to ban bump stocks she states
After Sandy Hook when 20 first graders were slaughtered I thought for sure we would act after Orlando I thought we would act and now after Las Vegas I hope senators will finally summon the political courage to stand up and say Enough is enough Dianne The bill that Dianne defends about guns is an important effort not only for random people walking on the streets but also all citizens in the United States Most people do not think it is relevant to their in lives but for mine it is relevant because I live in a city where two gangs shoot at each other just for property that is not theirs The most scariest thing about this bill is that it can lead to a positive and negative change on the positive side of this is mass shootings could be stopped but as a negative side of this is when cops have to deal with a man or woman that have better artillery that them The Congressional Representative of District 38 is Linda Sanchez which has a population of 702 905 people Some of the cities that are apart of her district are Norwalk Santa Fe Springs Cerritos Whittier Buena Park and a couple of others In her district alone 49 8 are democrats another 27 6 are Republican and 22 5 are of other parties What people do not know about Linda Sanchez was that she was born in Orange and her parents are immigrants from Mexico She got her Bachelor's from California Berkeley that was Arts in Spanish Literature and it includes Bilingual Education Later on in life she got her law degree from the University of California Los Angeles She also has a husband and four sons After all the hard work she went to school for she was elected into office in 2003 as apart of the Democratic party Now 15 years later she is the Congressional Representative and is also in the vice chair of the house caucus which is also the 5th highest ranking position in the house of Democratic Leadership Linda Sanchez is up for reelection in 2018 with the rest of her reeps
One of the many committees Mrs Sanchez is on is the Ways and Means committee this is for taxes purposes Some of her interests are taxes as said before federal legislation on trade social security and medicare A bill that Linda Sanchez created was the Credit for Caring Act that came out in May 7th of 2016 The bill basically talks about how older and people with disabilities should be cared for and have rights for themselves This is important because older people and disabled people are usually taken advantage of by anyone in general Yes this affects my immediate circle my great grandma is living alone because he husband passed away and one of her sons is trying to claim that everything is his If this bill paases it would have a positive effect because it gives everyone rights The California State Senator is Tony Mendoza that is in charge of District 32 which is kinda the same cities but it includes a little bit of East Los Angeles Montebello Buena Park Cerritos and Lakewood Before Mr Mendoza was State Senator he was a teacher for a while He attended California State Long Beach and got his Bachelor's degree in Political Science Also he has a wife three daughters and one son Then at the age of 25 he was the first and youngest councilman that was a Latino In 2014 he was elected into office also apart of the Democratic party and has been serving for 21 years He is due up for reelection in 2018 Tony Mendoza is in the Chair of the Insurance Banking and Financial Institutions Committee Some of his interest in what he takes apart of are Budget and Fiscal Review Education Government Organization and Transportation and House The California State District assemblymember of District 57 is Ian Calderon Mr Calderon has a wife and one daughter He went to California State Long Beach and got his degree in Political Science with minor a in communications He is also the first Millennial elected into State Legislature and the youngest Majority Leader Tony Mendoza was elected into the Senate in 2012 apart of the Democratic party 7 years in progress and he is up for reelection in 2018 He is on the Insurance Committee and some of his interests are Appropriations Privacy and Consumer Protection and Elections Redistricting