Essay Examples on New College Durham

Cesar Chavez Human rights are rights which allow people to have Freedom

Cesar Chavez Human rights are rights which allow people to have freedom and do or have their own things Having human rights isn't a privilege it's not only this wealth class or this race is allowed to have human rights they apply to everyone around the world no matter their race ethnicity color or language etc It is important to defend these human rights because it allows people to have their freedom and not be restricted by the government for everything we do If we didn't defend human rights then life would not be the way it is today people would be treated unfairly and restricted from doing certain things A leader is someone who takes action and leads something Characteristics of a leader are commitment bravery and positivity No one would want a negative leader who always switched back and forth from helping their movement who isn't brave enough to take any actions for them Some characteristics it takes to fight for human rights would be the same as what it is to be a leader 

1 pages | 354 words