Essay Example on People are born with a clean blank Slate









People are born with a clean blank slate but they learn from babies to adulthood how to construct ideas and opinions which is influenced by many different factors of the individual’s life Humans seemingly inherent hating each other by the influence of society The individuals that someone is around or the greater whole of society influence the individual's perspective and shape their opinions Although we are humans society has not only separated individuals based on individuals race and religion but society has divided and classified individuals on politics and wealth Modern hate crimes are a validation of Hobbes's philosophy that anybody can commit a crime and commit evil it is the role of society to create order and civility because individuals are incapable of maintaining order and civility Hobbes philosophy was that any humans can commit a crime and commit evil but the individual thinks about the characteristics of humans Hobbes also believed that it won't be the individual fault it will be the society's fault Hobbes philosophy explains to us that man's inhumanity to man corruption is in individuals Inhumanity has been throughout history and in everyday lives that caused much drama and destruction Man’s inhumanity to man doesn't happen magically they set up differences with people of different races religion or gender 

For someone being inhumane to someone they would have to be evil cruel without compassion An example of an inhumane activity would be the killing of Matthew Shepard The killing of Matthew Shepard was the worst hate crime in history This killing was inhumane because he was beaten to death because he was gay According to the text this inhumane act relates to Hobbes viewpoint of human freedom because As Hobbes said Genuine human freedom he maintained is just the ability to carry out one s will without interference from others Kermerling The inhumane activity that happened with Matthew Shepard shows us that anti gay hate crimes happen all too often and that sentence enhancement better prevention and a more consistent message being sent by our public officials would all be helpful Marsden This hate crime shows us that society should create order because some humans are incapable of keeping power and if humans are not creating a civilized society we will not maintain order correctly Hate crimes are committed because people are wanting attention they want to hurt people intentionally Hate crimes happen anywhere anytime Hobbes once said each of us is motivated to act in such ways as we believe likely to relieve our discomfort to preserve and promote our own well being Kermerling Hobbes mentioned this quote it is because the inhumane acts that humans do to each other are likely because to hurt people intentionally and humans are being cruel to each other Hate crimes happen everywhere statistics shows us that 47 3 percent of single bias were motivated by race 20 percent by religion 19 3 by sexual orientation 12 8 percent by an ethnicity national origin Hate Crimes Remain Steady 

1 Hate crimes fall into human nature because people believe that the acts of human nature live with us and we are born like this Hate crimes are the fault of human nature due to the fact that it is so easy for someone to hate and be biased towards someone than it is to care and love each other Humans today don t understand that hate is easy you can commit any crime as wrong and evil but a hate crime is still the same as a regular crime Victims of a hate crime can be an individual a business an institution or society as a whole Hate Crimes Remain Steady 1 Hate crimes victims can be the fault of humans but not society due to the actions they make Hobbes viewpoint about the social order is that Thomas Hobbes conceived of state coercive power as necessary in maintaining a system of social order within a policy Kelly and Maghan 10 As Thomas Hobbes said we coercive power and humans take that advantage to make it evil and cruel for other humans As hate crimes seem to spread around The hate crime logic seems to be that if one is deprived different or devalued one is then expungeable Kelly and Maghan 10 Hate crimes lead to more social and political change between humans and our society today In our society we see that Hate is not a necessary motivator offenders may be motivated by other emotions such as fear anger or disgust The psychology of hate crimes Thomas Hobbes said that the human s act is within humans and not society

 Due to the inhumane acts of the causing of humans Hate crimes involve acts of violence and intimidation and thus is the mechanism of power and oppression Dzelme 10 Hate crimes show our society that evil is within human nature and that any individuals can commit a hate crime but it still falls into the class of a regular crime Hobbes philosophy shows us that hate crimes fall under human nature and not our society Hate crimes are due to the inhumane acts of the humans and how people treat others differently Hate is easy but being nice and caring for humans is hard for others It is our role to create order and civility because individuals are incapable of maintaining order Inhumanity has been throughout history and there is one way to change it due to the acts of other humans the only thing we can do is prevent it Hate crimes are committed because people are wanting attention they want to hurt people intentionally Hate crimes spread and people are motivated to act in different inhumane ways Hate crimes lead to more social and political change between humans and our society today

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