CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter present and explain the procedures that the researchers used in conducting this study This includes the locale of the study research design population sampling research instrumentation Data gathering procedure and statistical treatment in order to support the problem under study Locale of the Study The study was conducted in Mauban Quezon mostly involving the selected barangays of Mauban Quezon namely Brgy Bagong bayan Brgy Daungan Brgy Lual pob Brgy Macasin Brgy Mabato Brgy Polo Brgy Rizaliana Brgy Sadsaran Brgy San Lorenzo and Brgy Soledad Out of 40 barangays in Mauban Quezon the 10 barangay were chosen because the researchers will organize a seminar and the chosen barangays is the nearest to the place we will do the seminar The researcher s topic is Proposed Federal System of Government in the Philippines held on November 7 2017 around 9 00 in the morning until 12 00 noon at Niyogyugan Hall Brgy Bagong Bayan Mauban Quezon Dr Eriberto Casiño Chairman of Public Administration serves as the resource speaker because of his expertise to the topic The researchers selected this locale because Muban Quezon is the best place for our study The researchers know that the barangay officials and its residents would be active and approachable Also the readiness of the respondents in answering the question
Thus in assessing the study the researchers generally determined the respondent s perceptions according to the objective of the study Research Design A descriptive type of research was used to determine the perception of the respondents according on the proposed federal system of government in the Philippines Population Sampling The respondents in the study were only the Barangay Officials and residents of Mauban Quezon who attended in the seminar organized by the researchers The total number who attended in the seminar was 72 which will be the respondents of the study There were 61 from barangay officials and 11 from residents who served as the respondents Only the attendees serve as the respondents of the study to assure that the respondents is knowledgeable and well inform to the researchers topic Research Instrumentation The main instrument of the study was the self made structure questionnaire used in getting the data needed to attain the objective of the study In the given questionnaire the respondents put a check mark on the space provided to express their opinions and or feelings by indicating strongly agree agree uncertain disagree or strongly disagree on the specified question
The contents of the questionnaire were the respondent s perceptions on the proposed federal system of government in the Philippines in terms understanding the features of federalism An initial draft was submitted first to research adviser for content validation The questionnaire was methodologically process by validation of some faculty members and barangay officials for suggestions and comments After it went through repeated checking for some correction and reconstruction of words and sentences it was submitted to the adviser until the content of the instrument were validated and finally approved for the distribution to the respondents of the study Data Gathering Procedure The researchers prepared letters of request noted by the research adviser to conduct a study in Mauban Quezon with permission of the College of Business Administration The researchers asked first the permission to conduct a study and organized a seminar from the Municipal Mayor of Mauban Quezon Upon receiving the positive approval of request the researchers started to communicate and approach the selected barangays The researchers give its letter of permission to conduct a study and invitation letter for the seminar in each selected barangays to their barangay hall Also the researchers communicate to the PBC Office for their help to disseminate and reminding the selected barangays about on the seminar
The data were gathered using the validated questionnaire properly approved by the research adviser For the distribution process a copy of questionnaire was given only to those respondents who attended in the seminar After the initial correction of statistician the data were tabulated and interpreted Statistical treatment The tallied and tabulated data were then subjected to statistical treatment The percentage frequency rating was used with the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of P f N x 100 Where P percentage F frequency N number of respondents The weighted mean formula was used to determine the understanding of features on the proposed federal system of the government in the Philippines to the respondents in terms of the division of powers federal and regional government structure of government legislative system and judicial system The following scale and code was use to interpret the results Scale Range Code Qualitative Description 5 4 20 5 00 SA Strongly Agree 4 3 40 4 19 A Agree 3 2 60 3 39 U Uncertain 2 1 80 2 59 D Disagree 1 1 00 1 79 SD Strongly Disagree To determine if there is a significant difference in the perceptions of the two types of respondents on the proposed federal system of government in the Philippines Mann Whitney U Test was used U_i n_1 n_2 n_i n_i 1 2 R_i Where U_i is the test statistic for the sample of interest n_i is the number of values from the sample of interest n_1 is the number of values from the first sample n_2 is the number of values from the second sample R_i is the sum of the ranks from the sample of interest
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"Proposed Federal System of Government in the Philippines Research Study". Noplag, Apr 27, 2020. Accessed: January 16, 2025.
"Proposed Federal System of Government in the Philippines Research Study" Noplag, 16 Jan 2025,
"Proposed Federal System of Government in the Philippines Research Study" Noplag, 27-Apr-2020. [Online]. Availible: . [Accessed: 16-Jan-2025]
Noplag. (2020). Proposed Federal System of Government in the Philippines Research Study27-Apr-2020. . [Online]. Availible at: [Accessed: 16-Jan-2025]
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