311There are many questions to ask when addressing the problem of climate change What kinds of laws or policies should the government pass that will address climate change Should the government push for more trade policies that will address climate change and if so what kind Should foreign policy play a role in addressing climate change For instance should the United States work with other major polluting countries like China and if so how How should the marketplace address the problem For instance should corporations pursue fuel alternatives like green technology If so how should they be encouraged to do so How should grassroots organizers push for a change in policies Who would be targeted for such a movement The U S government The U N Corporations There are many possible solutions to the problem of global warming Some of the solutions I can think of are governments investing in renewable energy more reliable forms of public transportation greater tax credits for businesses who use renewable energy and create environmentally friendly products investing in new infrastructure and decreasing the amount of deforestation Since our power plants are public resources it is the responsibility of the government to build more power plants using renewable energy Governments should invest in wind and solar power mainly Having more reliable forms of public transportation will cut down on the number of cars on the road a big form of pollution Right now it is not uncommon for people who rely on public transportation to be late or miss work or school because their transportation plans fell through Many employers will ask interviewees if they have reliable transportation
This means that if a business spent 1000 on solar panels 300 would be taken off their income taxes The United States Department of Energy reports that business credits can be given for solar and wind power among other sources in different states Investing in new infrastructure also has the potential to help stop climate change Buildings currently cause 43 of greenhouse gas emissions in the US and about one third in the world When building governments businesses and individuals can have thicker insulation This will help them use less energy to heat and cool their buildings Better infrastructure will also cause less construction in the long run The making of concrete is very bad for the environment In 2005 the United States alone puts out 50 7 million metric tons of carbon dioxide by making cement Biello 2007 Stopping deforestation will aid in the effort against climate change Each year 33 acres million forests are cut down In the tropics deforestation contributed to 1 5 million metric tons of carbon That is 20 of global man made greenhouse emissions This can be solved with improved agriculture practices paper recycling and forest management Biello 2007