Essay Examples on Science

Studying individuals behaviour and trying to link underlying personality characteristics

Personality traits and characteristics are how we can define our behavior to people and our environment on a daily basis. Studying individual's behavior and trying to link underlying personality characteristics to why we do things either beneficial or unfavorable is a continuing interest for psychologists. Adorno et al 1950 and Allum 2011 have both undertaken research studies that provide insight on personality types and the potential effects it may have to societies around much of the world. This essay will layout similarities and differences between these two studies concentrating on their methods and these personality types that influence individuals life choices Adorno et al 1950 research study was influenced by the events of World War 2 and the researcher's curiosity into what kind of a person could carry out such devastating acts. Measuring attitudes was the beginning of this study. Three sets of scales were designed after identifying attitudes towards Jews as well as ethnically different people and then presented to the white middle class. Americans from San Francisco as a questionnaire. This then led to the creation of another scale known as the F scale which measured the potential for fascism and in turn led to measuring personality characteristics that were fundamental to their study McAvoy 2012. These questionnaires were scored by researchers with a point system of 1 7 Participants who scored high were most likely to be showing signs of an authoritarian personality. This quantitative method allowed a large scale of over 2000 people to take part and provide quick and systematic data that guided them to Phase 2 of their study. Allum 2011 had three hypotheses to find support for in his research.

2 pages | 534 words

Traffic characteristics

Traffic characteristics. In the event that we need to think about the Traffic attributes and their expectations, it is appropriate to furnish at any rate their short posting with definitions and shared relations. The three fundamental characteristics in traffic flow theory are flow, speed, and density. Traffic flow. Traffic flow can be additionally found in some literature named as flow, flow rate or volume. Nevertheless, all these terms can be used interchangeably. It is characterized as various vehicles passing a point in a given timeframe. It is typically communicated in units of vehicles per hour vph. Other conceivable units are for example vehicles per hour, per lane, vphpl, passenger car units per hour pcu/hr, or passenger car units per hour per lane pcphpl or in easier readable form pc/h. ln The equation for counting traffic flow is simple where q is traffic flow vph n is number of vehicles passing a spot on the road in a given interval t. The special value of traffic flow is capacity c which defines the maximum hourly rate under prevailing roadway conditions. Since it is convenient to measure traffic flow in 15-minute intervals a quantity called peak hour factor PHF is presented. Hence is obvious that PHF can theoretically be in the interval 0 25 PHF 1 0. Peak hour factor can be understood as an indicator of flow fluctuations within the hour Introduction.

2 pages | 458 words

Color model is an abstract mathematical model representing colors by tuples of numbers

The color model is an abstract mathematical model describing an approach to represent colors by tuples of numbers such as RGB or CMYK Kaur Sahib 2015. Color space is a specific organization of colors. Each specific color model can have different color spaces. Color space is represented in a three-dimensional coordinate system. In the three dimensional systems, each color is represented by a single point. To apply color as a visual cue in computer vision applications image processing and multimedia an appropriate approach to represent the signal of color is required. Color space provides a reasonable approach to recognize order affect and effectively display the colors of the object taken into consideration. The problem's declaration and solution can be addressed by choosing a suitable color model. The knowledge about the way color signals generated and what information needed from the color signal is important during the color model selection process.

1 pages | 298 words

Effect of different types of domestic detergents on Membrane Permeability of Beta vulgaris Cells

Effect of different types of domestic detergents on Membrane Permeability of Beta vulgaris Cells Research question. To investigate how the effect of different types of domestic detergents has on membrane permeability of hands skin cells using the similarity of effect on Beta vulgaris cells. Hypothesis. By exposing a cell membrane to a detergent it will increase permeability. Stronger is the detergent more permeable will be the membrane it will destroy the cell membrane. By similarity, the permeability of the Beta vulgaris cell membrane is disrupted causing the red pigment to leak out by diffusion. If the detergent damage the beet cell membrane there will be a higher percentage of pigment leakage and so it has less transmission percentage transmission of light than distilled water. Type of variables. Representing variables in this experiment. Dependent variable. Color of the detergent change. Independent variable. Constituents of detergent and kinds of detergent. Control variable. Temperature of detergent used and the surrounding. The volume of detergent used. Time for the reaction Probe calibration the same probe between measurements to ensure that the measurements are all consistent Background information. Cells have a selectively permeable membrane that allows selective substances to penetrate into the cell.

1 pages | 396 words

Pets are intentness of humans to be closer to nature

Pets are intentness of humans to be closer to nature. They play immense roles in our daily lives. It is also confirmed by scientists that having a pet is beneficial for health. Pets reduce stress and mental health problems, provide emotional support and help their owners to become responsible. Animal Friends Pet Insurance. Many people think their pets as their family. They are great companies for people that live far away from their homes Sujie Wu Alligator Contributing Writer. Students should be able to have pets in a boarding school like TEVITOL for their personal development. Pets are emotional support for students in boarding schools. Pets bring so much joy and optimism and happiness. They attack every moment of every day with that attitude stated Bruce Cameron. 

In boarding schools students are away from their families and feel alone It is necessary for them to have companies while they are on their owner's. It has been proven by scientists that pets reduce loneliness and promote a great feeling of happiness. By maintaining companionship pets boost moods and bring joy to lives. Compared to a pet owner a person without a pet is more likely to be upset and sick. The example that helps us understand is that in 2017 a magazine called Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that pet owners are happier more confident more outgoing and less fearful. To be more specific. Having something that you can hold or play with and having something that depends on you just makes you feel good remarked Jennifer Becker who studies at the University of Florida.

2 pages | 530 words