1616Moreover the concept in the field of security studies can be understood as a number of political problems with a profoundly unsettling implications Krause Williams 1997 In this essay I will display that there is no occurred over what the definition of security should be while supporting that essential problems related to defining security in a definite term still exist Security is still a debatable concept Ahead proving how security is contested it is worthy to present the main reason why groups in academia want to contest the meaning of security In doing so this group argue that security is a particular type of politics applicable to a wide range of issues Buzan Waever Widle 1998 V McDonald claimed that security is positioned the realm of high politics and indeed is the raison d être for states as main actors 2012 18 In this sense he argued that a successful definition of the issue as a security issue would enable in particular terms of assigning a level of priority and importance to it or in terms of enabling particular logics of response In the same regard Buzan has also admitted the potential danger of politics upon security in which the word security is used as a powerful political tool in claiming attention for priority items in the competition for government attention 1991 370 As a result the danger keeping security under the domination of the military tendency answers why it incites respective groups who want to widen the security agenda believing that security is how lasswell 1936 described who gets what when and how In this regard the process of understanding security requires studying approaches like the ones this essay incorporates For instance according to McDonnald 2012 who stands with the group regarding security as an essentially contested concept he regards that a theoretical approach to security such realism can turn into a dominant to the extent that it becomes established and institutionalised as the accepted basis for interpreting the world and acting on behalf of a particular group McDonald p 5 Moreover according to Booth realism is a phrase uspured from Kant to a theory of the powerful by the powerful for the powerful Opposite to structural realism Welsh School is definitely perspective with a timeline to dare the supremacy of traditional security studies to Booth 1991 McDonald 2012