Essay Examples on Southern School of Natural Therapies

Appropriating Native American Imagery Honors No One

Appropriating Native American Imagery Honors No One but the Prejudice The fictional representation and its usage are becoming the controversial topics in all over the United State mostly in the field of games and other accomplishments related to this The inherent Americans have the view that they are not feeling privileged This is the reason due to which they want to remove the mascot of America Due to this the people of America also feel that they are as like pigeonholed due to which they are imposing pressure on the different institution for removing the mascots of America The same concept is expressed by the writer Amy Stretten in the article Appropriating Native American Imagery Honors No one but the pre justice In this article she is expressing the same feeling of the native people by using the different rhetorical instruments and explaining theirs believes that the imagery used is seemed to be aggressive and insolent for Indian Americans and making down their dignity and respect From many major aspects of this article one is that the writer has given the touch of her personal experience to this article which is making it effective 

1 pages | 388 words