Essay Examples on Stephenson College Coalville

Have you ever wondered why the earth shakes Seas

Have you ever wondered why the earth shakes seas rise causing destruction tsunamis and thunder and lightning ðŸ According to many people in the past the gods would from time to time come down to earth and cause destruction upon the people when they were unhappy with how humans acted The humans would choose to live out their ways but always to do it for the gods Sometimes though the humans of earth would not listen and acted out with violence and sins causing the gods to get angry causing natural phenomena that could only be interpreted by the ancients as the wrath of the gods These natural phenomena were easily explained to be caused and controlled by Poseidon and Zeus Poseidon was believed to be the god of the seas rivers lakes and the creator of earthquakes Zeus was believed to be the god of thunder who controlled the weather ðŸ 

1 pages | 300 words