328SURVEY ON SMART ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR PEOPLE WITH VISION IMPAIRMENT Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering S A Engineering College Chennai Abstract The smart vision archetype is a small inexpensive compact and wearable voyaging aid for blind and vision impaired people This paper presents a Smart setup for visually impaired that make use of ultrasonic sensor and camera The main aim of this work is to design a voice based alerting system for the blind people Visually impaired individuals find voyaging difficult as they struggle every day in performing actions for bypassing barrier and hurdles in their path In order to help blind people voyage safely and quickly this system is proposed The ultrasonic sensor appliance is spot on the spectacle which is used for barrier detection with distance indication The camera is used to detect the object in front of the blind people and notify them using the APR voice module system This system prevents the blind people from catastrophic situations Keywords APR voice module Embedded system Microcontroller Ultrasonic sensor Succor devices Image processing
I INTRODUCTION Visionless mobility is one of the main challenges encountered by vision impaired persons Those peoples lives and activities are restricted by the loss of eyesight While Passover at urban intersection is a difficult and very dangerous activity for the blind Succor Technologies researchers are working on the project for more years From the research done by the World Health Organization WHO the official statistics show that approximately about 285 million visually impaired person is there in the world up to the year of 2011 For blind people walk freely is a challenge due to lack of information about the destination addresses barrier etc For them there are plenty of new technologies that could be employed to decrease the difficulties caused by this impairment making the relationship between man and environment more harmonious as possible There are some navigation systems or tools available for the visually impaired persons Traditionally most of them rely on white cane for local navigation it works by constantly swaying it in front for obstacle detection by the visually impaired people This paper was created with the main aspiration to fulfill the needs of visually impaired people with affordable cost reliability portability etc
But it as the downside that the shoe can t be a water resistant so the circuit may get damaged R Mohanapriya U Nirmala C PearlinPriscilla says about the device with the sensor and some controllers to detect and sense the barrier gives it in the form of the speech format and also the moving conveyance and signals are also detected but it does not give the correct accuracy of moving transport B Amutha and M Ponnavaikko have examined the accurate location by using the some algorithms and zigbee with the GPS system to track the barrier free way these accuracy can be achieved by markov chain algorithm it able to give the correct accuracy for outdoor but it is not fully possible to detect the indoor barrier G Gayathri M Vishnupriya R Nandhini Ms M Banupriya have implemented the voyaging system in walking stick in this they used two types of sensor one is to detect the pit and another to detect the barrier or hurdles and also water related barrier This signals are processed in embedded system to give the notify via buzzer module and vibration It has drawback of sometime it does not give the buzzer sound in rare time while detecting the hurdles and barrier