291With area of 295000 square meter there were about 6924 employees and a sum of 409 companies providing services The workforce also involved safety engineer safety specialists occupational physicians nurses and management system for health and safety at site On record there were two accidents in October 2010 at the foundational stage as it involved demolition and recycling activities of the construction and were termed fatal The accident occurred in the area involved in collection and notably crushing of materials which is very sensitive area of accident control The victim was crouched while forcibly resting one foot against one of the trestles a machine part being used and leaning on the other trestle This resulted in the loose parts falling on him when he lost his balance fell backward and in the process of staggering he pulled the other trestle about 300kg in mass and this crushed his face The other workers had also been crouching down whilst helping the man erect the trestles The takeaways from this is that the equipment to be used must be stable there was inadequate guidelines from the manufacturer regarding the use of that machine parts and there it was reported that the users did not receive formal training on the machine usage inappropriate operating procedure and so there is need to have rigid support proper training development of specific operating procedures in order to avoid the accident in the future Reference Laporte J n d Topic Construction Industry www statista com www statista com topics 974 construction