319The first and most important person of the Trinity is God the Father The Father is in his position and authority supreme among the person of the Godhead as reinforced in yet for us there is but one God the Father from whom all things came and for whom we live and there is but one Lord Jesus Christ through whom all things came and through whom we live Corinthians 8 6 The Father is the wise designer and the grand architect of all has occurred in the Creation Col 1 12 13 Everything in heaven and earth everything from creation to ultimate eternal life in heaven and hell is planned according to the purpose of the Father's will The Father is the giver of every good and perfect gift He is always infinitely wise and good in his authority The Father is worthy of the highest because he exhibits remarkable care wisdom and goodness Jesus the Son is the second Person of the Trinity He is eternal and a begotten of the Father God through the Father sent Jesus Christ to reconcile mankind back to Himself again
God that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God The Spirit provides bountiful wisdom and blessings when He enters our lives The third and last office of the Holy Spirit is to comfort and delight the souls of God's people and thus one of His names is the Comforter and thus we have the phrase of joy in the Holy Ghost I Thess 1 6 Additionally the role of the Spirit has been greatly influenced by the Jesus the Son When Jesus died and rose from the cross He opened up a new doorway for us a new opportunity for us to experience the Holy Spirit The Spirit became active and real to us in a way that He never could before Today our lives are focused on Jesus focused on His love and sacrifice His present ministry is seen through His believers In conclusion it is also important to realize that the teachings of the Trinity play a very important role in our lives today The Spirit instructs our decisions through the Word This doesn t mean the Spirit produces new meanings from the Bible tailored to our individual questions but the Spirit helps us as we bring our lives under the light of God's Word and guides us to stay true to ourselves as we make decisions and move forward We also trust that the Trinity encourages us to serve our families and communities