336The Earth is a household to more than 1 million identified animal species all in which have evolved through generations Evolution is an amazing process where the genetically fit are fortunate enough to further evolve into generations and pass down their characteristics As selective breeding is a major component of evolution it is important to acknowledge the genetic drawbacks and difficulties animals face an example being inherited epilepsy in some dogs A seizure happens when the cells of the brain become excessively excited and exceed what is named a seizure threshold This is a drawback for these dogs in selective breeding these dogs will have a lower chance of being chosen and evolving as the epilepsy characteristic is not desirable This has risen my interest in animal well being and being able to give animal such as dogs with the epilepsy condition the best chances to evolve with fit genetics and be chosen in breeding I believe enabling and saving the lives of vulnerable species who are ultimately going to evolve is just as important and significant For this reason at university I would like to take up a Veterinary studies course
Having multiple pets as a child I have always loved animals and further grew this interest when I visited a Veterinary Practice where seeing the vets in their uniforms displaying a very close relationship with the animals made me consider this option as a profession in the future Furthermore I also enjoy watching animal wildlife documentaries such as Brave Wilderness and Bondi Vet From these documentaries I have learnt that dogs have 8 blood groups and that for the first transfusion the donor's blood type does not have to match This is a piece of information that really highlights how astonishing and unique the animal biology really is and it shows just how different it is to humans I find this profession very rewarding and interesting because it involves having practical hand on hand experience with animals and you potentially have the chance to treat sick animals and bring smiles back on pet owner s faces Understanding and practising animal biology is very fascinating seeing their differences and similarities to humans would be incredible and pursuing this course will enable me to this For example the animal stress response and the outcome of stress on an animal's body are spectacularly like stress s effects on humans stress results in the body releasing adrenaline and cortisol hormones
These chemicals cause heart rate and respiration to increase and limit the immune system Stress also clamps down on the reproductive system plummeting libido and reproductive hormones which eventually increases the risk for cardiovascular disease This shows just how relatable animals are to humans it is also mind blowing because a stressor that affects a human negatively also has the same effect on animals animals are able to pick up stress in people dogs and cats are especially very good at this Adaptive features within an animal supports evolution as it allows them to survive and reproduce For example for survival 60 percent of Alaskan Wood Frogs freeze their bodies Alongside they additionally stop breathing and their heart stops beating This lets them survive very cold temperatures In spring they thaw out and come back to life This semi frozen state occurs due to high concentrations of glucose up to 10 times the usual amount that build up in their organs and tissues The sugar solutes prevent their cells from shrinking or dying This is significant as it shows that even animals put up fight against complications of the world in order to reproduce and evolve ANIMAL ADAPTATION ANIMAL COMPETITION Within veterinary studies I am especially excited to learn about the animal anatomy and physiology neurology and special nerves senses I particularly enjoy the fact that in this course you are not limited you will be able to analyse and work with many different species from small animals such as dogs and cats to large farm animals and equine To enhance my knowledge in this field I have read up multiple online articles about the responsibilities advantages and disadvantages of the career such as bites and scratches to the rewarding emotion you feel when saving an animal's life
Another thing that has inspired me has been reading the experiences of previous vet students studying for the career and the ones who are pursuing the career Recently I completed work experience at a local pet shop where I obtained new knowledge and skills as well as handling different species from rodents to birds and reptiles For example I learnt that when you slightly pull the back neck skin of a cat or kitten if it does not immediately fall back into its normal form that it means that it is dehydrated To get rid of this dehydration I fed a kitten glucose water with a syringe Similarly turtles need UV light in their tanks for their shell s strength and protection if one does not have UV light the shell gradually becomes damaged and softens which is not healthy for the specie Working at the pet shop confirmed my desire in the animal field because I really enjoyed every moment working with animals and had a special warm connection to them throughout my time there In the future I hope to work in a veterinary practice before opening my own practice As I develop further experience I also hope to specialise in large farm animals and equine and maybe even open a large animal practice Lastly at a later stage I am hoping to travel to expand and strengthen my knowledge as well as adding new experiences of different cultures of the world and I am hoping to be a part of an animal care organisation held abroad saving lives of those who are in other less developed countries