332People have had names ever since the earliest written history created and as far back as oral history spreads It means that not a single person knows the beginning of the history of names As consequences predicting how the most primitive given names were selected is the conceivable thing to do Naming is the first mission of speech through which we set apart one person or thing from all others Most names give the idea to have had some sort of original meaning descriptively afore being simply an attractive assortment of sounds In fact the name giver is in habit to find words having implied meanings which in all sorts of names led to their being regard as ideas of manners of the name bearer Names are commonly used to reach purpose to differentiate each person or thing with others even it is undeniable there will be similarity in naming Mill 2008 Moreover Wilson 1998 stated that names are able to classify individuals as well as define the name bearers social personality First name last name or more are the components in the full name which have to be in accordance of society agreements in which each country and ethnicity has different rules in giving their children s name as the specific characteristics
Waters 1990 argued that the name bearers ethnic self identification can be shaped by using their surname even when they are from quite mixed backgrounds In some countries like in western countries Korean and Indian there is an obligation to put the family s name or surnames as the sign to show their class or identity It can be placed as the first name or as the last name For instance South Korean put their surnames or family names as their first name like Park Chanyeol Shon Seungwan Lee Kwangsoo and Kim Yerim Meanwhile Indian place the family s name after their own name in the other words as their last name for example Kareena Kapoor Ranee Mukherjee Sahrukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra If western people Korean and Indian commonly have surnames to show their family roots even can showing the occupation by names Indonesian conversely do not have particular rule to name the children Some ethnics in Indonesia have a rule to put their family s name to shows their identity as Indonesia's ethics specifically Bataknese and Balinese but mostly not Due to the absence of naming s rules Indonesia s local names which show identity of specific ethnic of Indonesia especially among Madurese community is decimated day by day and it is replaced by names which are adopted or adapted from other languages words as the references in giving and making name Earliest Madurese names were taken from Madura vocabularies like Lenggi Pandan and Langkap which recently got influenced by Islamic and western words
Hence the name of children nowadays are more complicated difficult to spell and has no relation with Madura language which can show their identity as Madurese In the other words the traditional language usage in naming children is less popular compared to other languages It makes the names sometimes sound like western names and sometimes sounds like Arabic names The previous related study concerning on the trend of naming baby entitled From Karen to Katie Using Baby Names to Understand Cultural Evolution by Berger Bradlow Braunstein Zhang 2012 studies how the admiration of that name s component phonemes in other names in the previous year affect the popularity of naming for baby This research was using more than 100 years of first name data which determined that popular names are influenced by the booming phenomena recently It influences individual choices which in turn to form the joint patterns that affect the future choices of other individuals and consequently cultural evolution Besides the previous study emphasized on the naming baby rules had been conducted by Indonesian researchers One of them is written by Zulfiana Amaliana 2016 entitled Akulturasi Budaya dalam Pemberian Nama Anak pada Keluarga Perkawinan Campuran antara Suku Bali dan Non Bali di Desa Kalibukbuk san Desa Gerokgak Kabupaten Buleleng
This study was delivered and detailed overview of the structures of names of intermarriage s children who parents are Balinese and non Balinese in Gerokgak and Kalibukbuk villages It concludes that there is a shift in naming the children specifically when intermarriage between non Balinese men and Balinese women Meanwhile if the men are Balinese they tend to maintain to give their children name containing Balinese culture This research will focus in the Madurese community which does not have specific rule agreements in naming their children Seeing the decimation of local name among Madurese community phenomenon the researcher interests to investigate what types of name used by Madurese community recently what parents considerations in choosing names for their children are and the children's perception towards the given names whether they like it or not