336This essay will be focused on the third season second episode of the serial Scandal Eight criminal offences were detected with its two main elements in the given episode and it will be discussed below The first is when two persons want to rob the Olivia one of them grab her bag another one pushed her to the ground then Huck intrude and hits the offenders to protect Olivia and return her handbag Following criminal offence detected when Quinn says that she hacked Olivia s email As follows Abby made a demand with menace in order to get the information Jeannine admits that she was offered 2 million dollars for her false pretence Next one is when Olivia called her father and father says that Edison is in the hospital with many crush injuries that were caused by car crash induced by him in order to fence Olivia from Edison Final offence was committed at the moment when Huck strangles Olivia on the roof of the car in the parking In this fragment it can be clearly seen that two persons commit theft aggravated by use of force to put in simple it is a robbery One of them was armed with a knife and he tried to take Olivia s bag by putting her in fear with knife under her throat His intention was grab Olivia s handbag In Theft Act 19681 section 8 provides that a person is considered as guilty of robbery if he steals and in order to do so he puts under threat any person
According to section 8 1 in order to steal there must be threat of enforcement Consequently if defendant assails victim in order to determine a controversy and pushes the victim to the ground as a result he finds victim s wallet which have fallen out in this case defendant will not be considered as guilty for robbery because the force was not directed to the intention to steal In Corcoran v Anderton 19802 two accused persons jogged the woman and she felt down to the ground defendants tried to grab her handbag It was stated that robbery was committed when the woman s bag was removed from her hands in spite of the fact that defendants did not take away it When the offender has used force to put another person in fear in order to steal but has not obtained conferment of any property he can be condemned of assault with rob intention which is also indictable on accusation Similarly in R v Dawson 1976 the defendants had jostled the victim as consequence he was overbalanced and distracted then one of them grabbed his bag and stole it It can be clearly seen that second aggressor who jostled Olivia committed actual bodily harm ABH this criminal offence under the 47 s of the Offences against the Person act 1861 Attacks which are described as ABH cause damages but do not cause perpetual heavy injuries to the victim Usually prosecutors and investigating police officers decide whether damage is cruel enough or not However the Crown Prosecution Service CPS suggests that actual bodily harm can constitute if an injury influences the victim s convenience and wellbeing provided that it is evincible