Essay Example on The use of Modern instructional technology in teaching









ABSTRACT Based on the modern technology initiative in the Philippine education this study explored the behavioral responses of professors towards the use of Modern instructional technology in teaching In addition the study investigated the demographic variables of the respondents and the three factors present cognitive environmental and behavioral determinants of professor s behavior in the use of modern instructional technology in teaching The findings suggest that teachers have positive attitudes towards the use of modern instructional technology in teaching and there is a significant difference in the behavioral responses of professors according to age gender and educational background and there is also correlation relationship in professors integrating modern instructional technology in teaching Teachers attitudes were predicted by cognitive environmental and behavioral factors in the use of modern technology The results point to the importance of teachers vision of technology itself their experiences with it and the cultural conditions that surround its introduction into schools in shaping their attitudes toward technology and its subsequent diffusion in their educational practice Keywords modern instructional technology education behavioral responses professors and attitudes

Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE STUDIES Introduction In our world today people find it difficult to live without technology such as computers mobile phones televisions and others It has slowly taken a crucial part in people s day to day lives because we use technology in different ways There is a boost in communication and exchanges are faster with the use of the internet With its increasing demand in our lives it is no wonder that using modern instructional technology in teaching has also become a vogue There was a need for this study because it informs administrators and educators regarding the strengths and deficiencies of their technology integration training programs A clearer understanding of how educators perceived technology integration training may improve teacher participation in technology workshops Subsequently each school system can create changes to enhance its faculty development programs Hochberg Desimone 2010 In Modern technology the skills and knowledge required for technological activity the procedure for forming and transforming have taken on an increasingly scientific methodological cast Modern technology puts proper emphasis on the importance of methods and procedures used in doing of technology Responsible Technology

A Christian Perspective By Stephen V Monsma Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship In a CTools survey of 1 415 U M students conducted in Winter 2010 over 50 of respondents reported bringing their laptops to class at least once per week USE Lab Digital Media Commons 2010 Many faculties see this trend as an opportunity for more innovative teaching and they are exploring ways to leverage this technology to increase student engagement during lecture However other faculties worry about potential distractions that mobile devices could introduce into their classrooms Erping Zhu et al 2011 A study on the usage and acceptance of classroom technologies by secondary math science education teachers in one community in an American city responded to a survey about their use and perceptions of technology in their lives and classrooms Results indicate teachers use technology more for personal instructional reasons such as class preparation than for interactions with their students whether inside the classroom or outside the classroom Primary factors inhibiting the use of technology related to time training and preparation Teachers can see the benefit of using technology to promote students learning experience However teachers are neutral about technology being advantageous for improving in class activities Heather Holden et al 2008 According to the research conducted at U M confirms that gadgets such as laptops and other portable devices are like any classroom tool that may function great when they fulfill a clear instructional goal and when they are used in explicit ways to which support student learning The faculties may decide either to ban such devices or to adopt programs such as Lecture Tools

There are intermediate steps that can take advantage of the potential power of laptops while minimizing their distracting effects The careful use of laptops can enrich opportunities for interaction with peers and instructors as well as with course materials increasing student engagement and learning Anderson R J Anderson R Vandegrift T Wolfman S Yasuhara K 2003 Professors could use this to build students collaborative communication problem solving creative and their critical thinking skills Modern Technology alone cannot develop the skills of students which needed for them to succeed in today s world Teachers and parents should enlighten teach and guide the young to use technology productively In Chapter 1 the study focuses on the background of the study and explains the concept of modern instructional technology in teaching and guidelines for schools along with current research that has supported the need for this study The study addresses the problem statement the purpose of the study research questions conceptual theoretical framework and nature of the study Further the study includes the definition of terms by a reference to a previously published definition and states the assumptions scope and limitations Finally the study explains the significance of the study implications for social change and the gap in the literature that supported the needs for the study

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