Essay Example on This article by Regina Bailey talks about cells and their Characteristics









This article by Regina Bailey talks about cells and their characteristics It also included some interesting facts To start there are many cells in living organisms since cells are the basic building block of all things Scientists estimate that our bodies contain anywhere from 75 to 100 trillion cells In addition there are hundreds of different types of cells in the body Cells do everything from providing structure and stability to providing energy and a means of reproduction for an organism Bailey states Continuing all cells are too small to see without magnification and with the naked eye The size of cells range from 1 100 micrometers With microscopes like the Scanning Electron Microscope or the Transmission Electron Microscope scientists that study cells called cell biologists are able to observe and study as well as get pictures of these microscopic forms of life Next there are 2 main types of cells The more complex cell that contains a membrane enclosed nucleus and mitochondria as well as a nucleolus ribosomes and cell membrane is called a Eukaryote This cell is found in animals plants fungi and other organisms It is called so because they have a true nucleus enclosed in a membrane The other most common type of cell is called the prokaryotic This cell contains a nucleoid some prokaryotes contain a capsule flagellum cell wall in some eukaryotes and it also contains a cell membrane and ribosomes like an eukaryotic cell Some organisms that have prokaryotic cells are more simple like bacteria 

The next fact is that the prokaryotic cells were the first single celled organisms on earth They can live in deadly environments for other organisms In these conditions this type of cell thrives To continue there is about 95 bacterial cells in the body making there be more bacterial cells in the human body Many of these microbes are in the digestive tract Also there are billions living on the skin Cells contain DNA and RNA these materials are the blueprints of life and makes everyone unique and different The molecules DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA or ribonucleic acid are known as nucleic acids The single bacterial DNA molecule in prokaryotic cells isn t separated but coiled up in what s called the nucleoid region The DNA in eukaryotic cells are found within the nucleus The main parts of chromosomes are DNA and proteins There are 46 total chromosomes 26 pairs There are 22 pairs of non sex chromosomes and one set that decides the gender Since woman pass the X chromosome down the male either has an X or a Y chromosome An XX pair results in a female baby and XY results in a male baby To continue the structures of organelles that come from cell accomplish different tasks Ribosomes come from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells have many types of organelles and they aren t bound with a membrane As Bailey says There are also differences between the kinds of organelles found within different eukaryotic cell types Plant cells for example contain structures such as a cell wall and chloroplasts that are not found in animal cells Some examples of organelles includes the nucleus which helps with cell growth and development the endoplasmic reticulum which helps combine lipids and carbohydrates mitochondria which provides energy for the cell golgi complex which ships manufactures and stores cellular products ribosomes which help with the protein synthesis system and lysosomes which digest cellular macromolecules 

There are many important parts of a cell that do many different jobs To continue different types of cells reproduce different ways Bailey says She also says that Most prokaryotic cells replicate by a process called binary fission This is a type of cloning process in which two identical cells are derived from a single cell Eukaryotic organisms are also capable of reproducing asexually through mitosis In addition some eukaryotes are capable of sexual reproduction This involves the fusion of sex cells or gametes Gametes are produced by a process called meiosis This means that many different cells clone and split to form two cells in which completing the third part of the cell theory All cells come from preexisting cells This proves that cells have to come from different cells Next is that similar cells groups and create tissues These tissues come from shared structure and functions from cells Extracellular fibers and sometimes sticky substances that coat the cell help bind cells for animal tissues together Also different types of tissues result in organs and groups of organs result in organ systems Furthermore cells have different life spans This relates to what we are learning because it explains different kinds of cells and how they relate to us It also gives facts about cells Why do we care What connections

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